Bryan Kuderna

Bryan Kuderna

Jul 25, 2024
Ready to Buy a House? 8 Tips to Make It Happen.
Becoming a homeowner has long been considered an integral part of the American Dream. As a financial advisor to thousands of young professionals across the country, if it's not their first financial goal, it's almost always in the top three.

Jun 14, 2024
Where Do Our Tax Dollars Go?
And Why Student Loan Forgiveness Can't Win

Mar 11, 2024
Americans' Alarming $17.5 Trillion of Debt
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York just released its latest quarterly report on household debt and credit. Long story short, Americans love leverage as much as ever. Household debt balances increased by $212 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023 up to $17.50 trillion....

Feb 12, 2024
What Is IRA Maximization?
Social Security, employer pensions, and private savings are the three legs of the stool that make up retirement in the U.S. Social Security still makes up the bulk of income for most retirees, although its long-term solvency has economists and politicians alike sounding...

Jan 3, 2024
2023 Market Wonders Include Nvidia Soaring 234%
What did your crystal ball say this time last year? Transitory inflation was looking anything but transitory. "Recession" was probably the only word thrown around more than "inflation".

Dec 20, 2023
Investors Better Hope for a Boring 2024
I often write about how nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm, that throughout our careers it is best to pursue that which excites us rather than bores us. It may be best to discard this bit of life advice when it comes to investing.While today's 24/7 business...

Dec 13, 2023
Changes to Your Retirement Plans in 2024
Knowing the rules of the game is the starting point for any endeavor. Usually that's the easy part, and then playing the game occupies the rest of one's focus.However, planning for retirement has never been so generous and stable.

Oct 10, 2023
Student Loan Repayments Are Back: Here Are Your Options
A lot has happened since March 13, 2020. That's the date in which the U.S. Department of Education paused federal loan payments and set the interest rate to 0% as part of their COVID-19 relief program.

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