Jolene Latimer

Jolene Latimer

Sep 15, 2022
Jolene Latimer: Retiring Amid Rising Inflation? 4 Money Strategies to Consider
Rising inflation is impacting everything from prices at the pump to the cost of groceries. As the cost of living continues to rise, concerns are mounting for those retiring in this inflationary environment.

Aug 10, 2022
Jolene Latimer: Should You Add Bitcoin to Your 401(k) Plan? Here's How to Decide
You can now add Bitcoin to your 401(k) plan - but should you? Fidelity Investments, the country's largest retirement-plan provider, made waves this spring when it announced it would add Bitcoin as an investment option for 401(k) plans.

Apr 20, 2022
Jolene Latimer: 3 Ways to Secure Your Disabled Child's Future
Parents of adults with disabilities are facing new challenges, as medical advancements mean special needs children are living longer than ever before. Adults with disabilities live to an average age of 50 to 80 years old.

Feb 17, 2022
Jolene Latimer: Balancing Risk & Opportunity as You Look to Retirement
An oft-repeated piece of financial advice is to reduce the risk in your portfolio as you near retirement. On the surface, it makes sense.

Jan 6, 2022
Jolene Latimer: Key Considerations Before Moving Your Aging Parent Into Your Home
It might be a natural step for an aging parent, who cannot or simply doesn't want to live alone, to move in with their adult child - but there are serious financial implications you should consider before making this plan a reality.Even if your relationship is healthy and...

Oct 7, 2021
What the Social Security Shortage Means (and How to Prepare)
Ready for some less-than-encouraging news? Recent reports show that the Social Security trust fund is projected to run out of money in 12 years - one year sooner than expected - as a result of the pandemic.

Sep 24, 2021
Three Creative Solutions to Minimize Preretirement Mortgage Debt
Reducing your debt before you head into retirement can help secure your finances as you prepare for a fixed income, and chances are, your mortgage is your biggest debt.

Aug 25, 2021
4 Moves to Make Now for a Strong Financial Legacy
Your approach to finances now doesn't just impact your present moment - it will reverberate through the future generations of your family to create a lasting legacy. Setting the foundation for a solid financial future can help chart a course for your descendants, no matter...

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