May 19, 2022
The futurists assume thereā€™s a bridge between narrow applications of AI and the general intelligence humans possess. But no such bridge exists. As Erik J. Larson explains in his book The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, weā€™re not even on the right road to such a bridge.
Apr 5, 2022
Like the main character in the Jim Carey movie, "The Truman Show," most of us are blissfully unaware that the digital screens in our lives , smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs , have been shaping our desires and influencing our choices.
Feb 17, 2022
Before someone dares you to slip on a VR headset to get your first taste of the metaverse, get one thing straight , who is the boss of your tech?
Jan 14, 2022
There are actually ways to boost your levels of contentedness, and, you guessed it, they include lowering your interaction with apps.
Dec 13, 2021
Make eye contact, smile, say hello. And as you go through your day, keep the wise words of first century philosopher Philo of Alexandria in mind: "Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Nov 17, 2021
Families live together but often spend hours each day separately connected to a pipeline of entertainment and information from the public square. Itā€™s time to reclaim our homes.
Oct 20, 2021
How can we help humans thrive through the biggest technology upheavals of a generation? What technological advances will take shape in the next decade, and how do we use them wisely?
Oct 5, 2021
They may not have all the latest gadgets, but they have something much more valuable,a grander view.