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Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt - The Irascible Disruptor

Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt

Jul 1, 2024
This July 4, Taxation Without Representation Still a Leviathan
We run a two-trillion-dollar deficit annually, print money into inflation creating debt that your next five generations couldn’t pay. We send money overseas without oversight. Little is left over for our schools, roads, veterans or any other legitimate use of our money.

Jun 7, 2024
The Time for Talk Will End Soon, WW III Looms
If this national security team has failed at everything they have done, and they have, do we really want to trust them to guide us through the Third World War? Decide quickly; your life depends on it.

May 23, 2024
True NATO Leaders are AWOL
American leadership in NATO needs to be reestablished with a strong rejection of an interventionist body, returning to the original intent of a competent, defensive alliance that underwrites the security, prosperity, and liberty of Europe and North America.

May 9, 2024
Inspiration at Our Most Divisive Time: 'Triple 7'
As Americans, we may be sharply divided across a myriad of issues, but with "Triple Seven," we can unify with each other in pride that heroes like these warriors still answer the call of our great nation.

Mar 21, 2024
What's Being Done to Trump Reveals How Much Danger We're In
Politics won’t be the limits of these landmark cases. We will live in an Amerika where you will remain compliant and muzzled. And if you still can’t be silenced, the state will sue you and take your stuff. Period. 

Mar 11, 2024
State of the Union Rant Proves Swamp Has Broken Faith with Us
We get it Joe, plenty. You really don’t like us, because we somehow interfere with so much of you and your team's (and other adherents') left agendas.  

Feb 23, 2024
Nation's Demise No Longer Stuff of Hollywood Fiction
We can live and vote on our values and act on our constitutional rights daily. We must invest ourselves in our communities while we tell our political class this is unacceptable. We can do it and win.  Pray indeed. Our nation’s survival depends on us all.

Feb 6, 2024
Message to Entrenched D.C. - We Can Read and Aren't Ignorant
The arrogant lawmakers and their staffs who suck down their pate' and wine at posh D.C. luncheons, while laughing at how dumb we are, don’t seem to understand that we are actually paying attention, and can actually read.

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