Mar 7, 2025
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is at a crossroads, facing critical decisions about its leadership, operations, and long-term strategy.
Aug 19, 2024
If the government caps fees, the biggest banks could likely absorb the loss in revenue. But small community banks, which are key to small business and entrepreneurship may have to shut down or find other ways to make up for the loss in revenue.
May 13, 2024
The decrease in competition lets Live Nation get away with everything that frustrates fans, including higher ticket prices, crashing websites, poor service, fewer choices and arbitrary ticket restrictions.
Apr 8, 2024
Cooperation with allies, especially in sectors where the U.S. has largely lost its comparative advantage, shouldn’t be understood as anything other than a positive development.
Feb 26, 2024
In the process of any great discovery, mistakes are inevitable. Which is why we should measure the true strength of a company by how it responds to its mistakes.
Feb 8, 2024
The Biden administration previously announced initiatives to protect consumers from billions in "junk" fees, while doing virtually nothing to protect consumers from the NAR-MLS anticompetitive monopoly rules.
Mar 2, 2023
The KC-46. Tremendous versatility and efficiency. It has the latest and greatest technology to keep the plane and its crew safe when in reach of our enemies. The U.S. and allies will be able to fly the KC-46 for many decades. It will serve our nation.
Jan 13, 2023
Then presidential candidate Joe Biden pledged repeatedly to "end fossil fuel." And he ran as the most anti-energy candidate in our history. Then once he was in office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office.