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Kent Ingle - Political Leadership

Kent Ingle

Jul 3, 2024
Parents, Not Schools Should Educate Youth on Freedom
In 1776, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence for America to pursue its own government separate from British rule. After years of fighting in the Revolution, a self-governed nation, where the rights of the individual were paramount, was born.

Jun 6, 2024
D-Day Can Still Inspire Leaders Today
It’s important that we honor the memory of the brave men who fought and died for our country, both as a nation and as individuals. One way we can do that is by being challenged, inspired and humbled by their sacrifice.

Mar 12, 2024
Let's Remember Higher Education Empowers Women
March is Women's History Month. For 31 days, we recognize the extraordinary women who made their mark on history and inspired future generations of world-changers.

Jan 22, 2024
Students' Votes Can Make a Difference, Let's Guide Them
The presidential election is bound to shape this year’s news, dominating headlines with voters’ concerns and candidates’ promises. While many anticipate the November election, it’s a year that will remind us why every vote counts.

Dec 27, 2023
Every Year Teaches Lessons We Can Take to the New
There are many lessons we can learn from this past year and share with college students as they plan their New Year's resolutions.

Nov 20, 2023
Campus Intolerance, Hostility Can Be Countered with Faith
Students must learn to own their faith and understand the foundation of their belief systems. We should ask if we are challenging students on why they believe what they do is true. Are we creating a place to develop theological foundations?

Oct 25, 2023
Instill Faith, Hope and Light In Students to Counter a Dark World
College campuses feel the tension of what is unraveling in the Middle East. As a faith-based institution, we are reminding students of how these events fulfill Scripture and the importance of being vigilant in their faith.

Nov 11, 2022
Veterans Consistently Teach Service, Teamwork and Bravery
Take steps to give back to veterans by supporting an organization or business that invests in them and their families. Pay tribute to a veteran who made the ultimate sacrifice by visiting their gravestone or reaching out to their family to thank them.

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