Nov 22, 2022
The Polish missile incident, and the noisy clamor that arose against Russia for hitting a NATO country, exposed the risks inherent in our many treaty commitments, where we are obliged to go to war for scores of nations not remotely related to the interests of the United States.
Nov 8, 2022
Democracy has not failed America. The reigning Democrats have failed America.
Oct 18, 2022
The higher the casualty rates for Putin's Russia, the worse the defeats inflicted on Russia by U.S.-armed and -equipped Ukrainians, the greater the likelihood Russia plays its ace of spades, nuclear weapons, to stave off defeat and humiliation.
Oct 5, 2022
Putin is drawing a red line. He intends to conscript and commit thousands of fresh troops to defend new Russian territories. He will not rule out the use of nuclear weapons to repel any who attack and attempt to detach these new lands from Mother Russia.
Sep 30, 2022
our country came to be before our republic came to be, and long before what we today call "our democracy" came to be. A country is different from, and more than, the political system that it adopts.
Sep 23, 2022
One wonders: If China invades and seizes Taiwanese-claimed and -occupied islands within sight of the Chinese coast, and Taiwan resists, what would Biden do?
Sep 16, 2022
In a war history will call Putin's War, the tide is turning against the Russians, and Putin faces the prospect of having been the ruler who launched Russia's least necessary and lost war.
Sep 7, 2022
In a speech he labored on for days, the president described that half of the Republican Party he sees as wedded to "semi-fascism."