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Michael Reagan - The Gipper's Corner

Michael Reagan

Jul 6, 2024
La. Voters End Schizophrenic Gov't, So Can Other Red States
Elect a genuinely conservative governor and fill both houses of the legislature with equally conservative members, while expelling the Chamber of Commerce 'conservatives' that have plagued red states for so long.

Jul 2, 2024
Reckless Drivers Race to the Bottom: How Does Your State Rank?
Participating in a car crash is bad enough in and of itself. But a car crash with an uninsured driver is even worse.

Jun 29, 2024
Are EV Owners Returning to Fossil Fuel Sanity?
Electric vehicles, like the rest of the clean energy scam are all hype and hypocrisy with no performance in the real world. We welcome EV owners return to sanity. We only regret that it was such an expensive lesson for them.

Jun 25, 2024
Do Nothing Republicans on Immigration Should Follow Fla.'s Lead
Conservatives who want their states to do something to discourage this flood of illegal immigrants need to ask their governors and legislators why aren’t they following Florida’s lead?

Jun 21, 2024
Big Porn Cries Loudest When It Has to Abide by Same Rules We Do
Naturally, the folks at Pornhub claim preventing young minds from being poisoned by porn is dangerous. Which leads us to ask, if the saints at Pornhub have supported age verification "for years" then what’s the holdup? Why did it take legislation to make it happen?

Jun 18, 2024
Constitutional Cures Can End Blue Cities' Influence in Red States
Broadening your appeal to include a majority of the state’s counties, making sure only Republicans vote in Republican primaries and making elected officials who run as party members remain accountable to the party seem like three solid ideas to us.

Jun 17, 2024
Biden White House Can't Even Get Dog Obedience Training  Right
The Biden’s have had two dogs in the White House and both had to be sent away after repeated attacks on personnel. After a while we begin to wonder if maybe the dogs are just reflecting the personality of their owner?

Jun 11, 2024
Instead of Exporting Criminals California Exports Cops
The convulsive protests honoring St. George Floyd and attacking police officers have a lingering cost, long after the smell of burning buildings and the re-sale of looted electronics is gone.

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