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Pray for President Trump

the road is blocked with crime scene tape and law enforcement

Palm Beach County Sheriff personnel block a road near the Trump International Golf Club after an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. (JOE RAEDLE/Getty Images)

Jeff Crouere By Monday, 16 September 2024 02:18 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.) 

Once again, the grace of God spared the life of Donald Trump, the most persecuted president in American history. He has survived two unfair impeachments, illegal surveillance, an unprecedented raid on his home, gratuitous lawfare from the Department of Justice and affiliated left-leaning Democrat prosecutors, while being subjected to outrageous civil judgments, a mug shot, indictments, a politically motivated conviction, and an upcoming criminal sentencing.

After the first attempted assignation attempt failed in July, Trump's opponents tried to derail his campaign by conspiring with ABC News to stage a rigged debate. Fortunately, it failed, and Trump is still positioned to win the upcoming election.

Before the evidence has been presented about the motive of the shooter and the egregious errors committed by the Secret Service in the first attempted assassination attempt in July, there has been another attempted assassination.

The alleged suspect in this case, Ryan Wesley Routh, is a crazed supporter of Ukraine who might have wanted to assassinate the former president because Trump desires an end to the war. Routh was well positioned next to Trump International Golf Course, hiding in the bushes. He was equipped with an AK-47 rifle, a gun scope, backpacks, and a Go-Pro.

Thanks to an alert Secret Service agent, who fired at Routh after noticing the muzzle of his gun protruding from the bushes, he was not able to kill the former president.

After he was detected by the agent, Routh fled, leaving behind his equipment. Fortunately, an observant bystander was able to capture his license plate and give police a description of his vehicle, and Routh was subsequently apprehended.

Although credit must be given to the heroic witness and the agent who noticed the potential assassin, there are more troubling questions for the Secret Service. This incident should never have happened, especially after the first Trump assassination attempt two months ago.

After Trump was exposed at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally, with the closest building not being secured, he should have subsequently received the maximum level of security. Incredibly, once again, President Trump was not adequately protected.

With the former president playing golf, a street adjacent to the course was not secured, giving Routh access and time to set up his gear and prepare to shoot Trump. If not for the watchful eye of the agent, Trump may have been assassinated and it may have been captured on Routh's camera and posted online.

Why was the security so lax for President Trump? According to Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, it was because he is only a candidate and not the incumbent president. He said, "At this level that he is at right now, he's not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course around it. But because he's not, security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible."

Really? After he had almost been assassinated in July!

Bradshaw continued, "I would imagine that the next time he comes to a golf course, there'll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter. But the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done."

No, Sheriff Bradshaw, the Secret Service did not do "exactly what they should have done." They should have protected Trump and secured the perimeter, but they did neither.

They allowed a potential assassin between "300 and 500 yards" away from the former president with a high-powered rifle equipped with a scope.

In a flippant manner, Bradshaw said that "next time" President Trump plays golf, there will "probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter." No, sir, there need to be dozens more law enforcement personnel protecting the former president on golf courses, at rallies, and wherever he goes over the next seven weeks.

He is in extreme danger, and the organization tasked with providing his security is either remarkably incompetent or compromised. There are also questions that need to be asked of the FBI.

Was Routh on their radar, especially after his extreme online comments about Ukraine? How did he know to exploit such a vulnerable area next to the golf course?

The pathetic Republican leadership in the U.S. Congress needs to do more than hold meaningless hearings. It is time to use every power available to the House Republicans to extract answers as to why the former president's security is so inadequate.

There are gaping holes in his security, which allowed deranged individuals close access to attempt his assassination. Consequently, massive security upgrades must be done immediately.

President Trump made this statement after the incident, "I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER. I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again."

President Trump's courage in the face of these relentless attacks is inspiring. It should give Americans who love this country faith in his leadership and his commitment to "never surrender.” "

In the final seven weeks of this crucial presidential campaign, let us pray for his safety and his victory, which is essential to save our country. 

Jeff Crouere's "Ringside Politics," airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network, Real America's Voice News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & Jeff is also a political columnist, the author of "America's Last Chance" and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel as well as on For more information, email him at Read Reports by Jeff Crouere — More Here.

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Once again, the grace of God spared the life of Donald Trump, the most persecuted president in American history.
trump, assassination attempt, secret service, routh
Monday, 16 September 2024 02:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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