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Tags: pastors | scripture | spiritual

Christians Can Reform and Save Our Nation on Nov. 5

church influence in society

A minister greets the congregation at a Methodist Church in Macon, Georgia. Undated photo. (Joe Sohm/

Jeff Grenell By Tuesday, 29 October 2024 04:27 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Pastoral Leadership and The 2024 Election

Ronald Reagan said 41 years ago that, "If you want to fundamentally change America it does not begin in the halls of Congress in Washington, D.C. All great change in America begins at the dinner table."

There is no denial of the significant role the church has played in American history.

Almost 250 years ago our Founders penned the Constitution of the United States.

This document, and arguably every president who has served our country, has recognized the vital role of the church and spiritual leadership in our nation’s story.

When the pulpits of American churches are healthy and speaking into the culture of our nation, there is a powerful influence on American society.

Let's look at some of the influence pastors, spiritual leaders, and the church have on our country, specifically with respect to Election Day, 2024.

Christianity Possesses the Virtues our Nation Desires

Religion is virtuous and principled. And that’s exactly what our nation needs now, more than ever.

If you examine our political landscape and the contours of our society, you don’t often find virtue.

Rather, what you find are conflict, division, and upheaval. Christianity provides a still viable alternative. A different way of life characterized by virtue and principle.

The reform we need in government, education, business, entertainment, and foreign relations sectors can be found in the powerful principles of Christianity.

Only through a strong foundation rooted in the Scriptures can we anchor our society against the chaotic and divisive messages we see around us.

Any society losing its principles loses its dignity.

Because the principles of one generation become the practices of the next.

Christian Leaders Retain Influence Over the Narrative

Spiritual leadership must teach fundamental biblical principles such as a love for city and neighbors, care for orphans, the importance of marriage and family, the education of our children, and the sanctity of life.

If we can connect voter responsibility in the church to the importance of these issues, we shape the 2024 election.

Christian leaders have a voice nationally, from the rural, suburban , and urban communities to the small, medium, and large churches. And that voice is a most critically important one.

A passionate pastoral and civic message should include the important relationship between the church and government, the right to vote and elect the leader of our republic, and the responsibility we have to participate in civic discourse.

Remember, we have never elected a president with our voice. We elect presidents with our vote.

Christians Could Choose the Next President of the United States

Let’s look at the facts. Just under 7 million votes decided the 2020 election.

This year, it's estimated that over 100 million people of faith won’t vote.

That’s about half or 51% of people who identify as "people of faith."

Think about that.

Somewhere around 104 million people who consider themselves "people of faith" are not expected to vote.

Of that number, 41 million of those sitting out the presidential election identify as Christian, with 32 million of them regularly attending church. (BARNA and pew, 2023)

These findings are upsetting when you consider the margin that decided the 2020 election.

But this research also must make us think about what American history would look like if Christians took seriously the responsibility to vote.

Let's challenge every pastor and spiritual leader to embrace the historic influence and responsibility to prepare the church for our civic duty.

What is causing this voter irresponsibility is a lack of interest (68% of respondents), and, a belief that their individual vote doesn’t make a difference (52%). Relevant Magazine.

But . . .

  • Why do Christians not see their responsibility in the government sector?
  • Why do Christians believe their voice doesn’t matter?
  • Why do Christians feel unprepared to vote on a candidate, party, or the issues?

While this is a complex issue, what's clear from the research, my travels, and personal conversations with church leaders across nationally, pastors and church leaders have a role to play in educating and motivating the millions of American Christians to use their vote to make a difference.

Jeff Grenell is the founder of, to inspire, educate, and resource youth leaders to prepare the next generation, to lead in the church nationally and globally. Follow Jeff on Twitter: @jeffgrenell. Read Jeff Grenell's Reports - Here.

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A passionate pastoral and civic message should include the important relationship between the church and government, the right to vote and elect the leader of our republic, and the responsibility we have to participate in civic discourse.
pastors, scripture, spiritual
Tuesday, 29 October 2024 04:27 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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