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John Kerry and the Biggest Nothing in History

John Kerry and the Biggest Nothing in History

By    |   Tuesday, 27 April 2021 02:01 PM EDT

Let's talk about Climate Czar John Kerry and his friends.

Kerry appears to be a lot more comfortable with people like Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif than people like Donald Trump.

Kerry's now in a bit of trouble after a three-hour conversation between Zarif and an Iranian economist Leaked out to the press.

A recording of that conversation - reportedly includes Zarif saying Kerry told him about roughly 200 Israeli attacks on Iranian interests in Syria.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley addressed this story on Rob Schmidt Tonight.

Haley said, "I mean the idea that Kerry would do this is appalling in its own right, but Biden and Kerry have to answer for this. He should not be sitting on the National Security Council. He shouldn't be involved with any of our foreign policy if this is what he does."

"And then the worst part is to stab our ally Israel in the back, and take up for Iran, who's the largest state sponsor of terrorism?" she added. "It's ... ludicrous ."To stab our ally in the back it's ludicrous."

Kerry's "loose lips" story is detailed in a recent New York Times article. The Times obtained a copy of that alleged audio recording.

But, Kerry says this is all "unequivocally false." The White House has also refused to answer questions on this topic, as we saw during a recent interaction between White House press secretary Jen Psaki and a pool reporter:

Reporter: "Does the president have any comment or reaction to Kerry telling the Iranians about covert military action on the part of Israel?"

Psaki: "We're not going to comment on leaked tapes."

Notice  how no one on the press corps jumped to that reporter's they did when the last guy was in office.

Remember this exchange between President Trump and the White House pool?

Donald Trump to Jim Acosta: The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is horrible. You shouldn't treat people that way. Go ahead.

Peter Alexander: In Jim's defense...

Trump: Well I'm not a big fan of yours either...Go ahead.

Acosta stands back up.

Trump: Ok... Just sit down please.

Ah... Remember presidential press conferences?

We'd forgive you if you forgot.

Meanwhile, John Kerry is flying around on the world on a private plane that you are paying for.

And he's also hitching rides with foreign dignitaries on gold plated helicopters checking out solar panels.

All of it very carbon intensive.

Kerry's follies as Climate Czar are going about as well as his tenure at the State Department under President Obama.

He's getting duped by China and Russia on climate policy, the same way he got played by Iran on nukes.

That's because this is who John Kerry is.

You have to ask..what happened to John Kerry in Vietnam?

He earned three Purple Heart medals.

He was awarded the Bronze Star and the Silver Star.

Lt. Kerry returned to the United States. 

And he and lectured the nation about the evils of the Vietnam.

And how terrible it was for him, and others.

This was his famous "Summer soldier, winter patriot speech" before the U.S. Senate in 1971.

John Kerry in 1971 stated, "The country doesn't know it yet, but it has created a monster, a monster in the form of millions of men who have been taught to deal and to trade in violence, and who are given the chance to die for the biggest nothing in history."

That was then, and yet here we are again.

Today, the monster John Kerry’s helped create includes record veteran suicides, homelessness, substance abuse.

U.S. involvement in Vietnam lasted 19 years.

This September will mark 20 years since 9-11.

And that's when we are supposedly getting out of Afghanistan.


And we are still left to wonder which is "the biggest nothing in history?"

Was it Vietnam? Was it Iraq? Was it Afghanistan?

Never forget that after all his grandstanding then-Senator John Kerry voted for the 2003 bill that authorized the Iraq invasion and the global war on terror.

He then failed to stand behind his war vote when it became politically inconvenient to do so.

Sec. Kerry then cheered on the Obama Administration's failed Iraqi withdrawal, which paved the way for ISIS and then Iran to gain control of vital territory in both Iraq and Syria.

So, yeah, we were skeptical of John Kerry's roll as Climate Czar and his seat on the National Security Council.

What good is experience, if you waste it on bad decisions?

John Kerry knew war and he told us he experienced the worst of it.

He swore it off, yet he voted for it while he was a senator, when he had the chance to prevent it.

That's what career politicians do.

They forget all about what they said and did before they held a seat of power.

From what we can tell he knows nothing about the climate.

Again, what is a climate czar anyway?

What's worse, John Kerry isn't really concerned about the climate. At least, one could surmise that based on his love of carbon burning yachts, planes, helicopters and his $12 million dollar house on Martha's Vineyard.

The question is not, "Should John Kerry resign from the Administration now that he's accused of dishing about Israel to Iran?"

The question we should be asking is , "What was John Kerry doing there in the first place?"

John Bachman is the host of John Bachman Now on NewsmaxTV.

Watch John everyday from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm et - Here.

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The question we should be asking - what was John Kerry doing there in the first place?
John Kerry, Iran, Logan Act
Tuesday, 27 April 2021 02:01 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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