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Time Magazine Cover Echoes Dishonest Media Tactics From the 60s

Time Magazine Cover Echoes Dishonest Media Tactics From the 60s
(Eric Baradat/AFP/Getty Images)

John Havick By Wednesday, 27 June 2018 04:18 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The liberal Democratic elites are masters of taking a vulnerable, needy small child, or maybe two, three, or even a few thousand, and then advocating from this number a national policy that impacts a nation of over 300 million people.

For a nation to follow such twisted logic is folly, but the images of little vulnerable children causes anyone to pause. Clearly harming any people, and particularly children, is not a winning a policy. If there is an image of a single needy child, the Democrats, with the help of a corrupt media, can turn this image into a national crisis. Yet, should hundreds of millions of citizens and the entire nation change their lives to address the narrow problem affecting a small slice and percentage of humans?

The Democrats have been plying this type of logic, trickery, and bad policy on America for years.

In the 1960s the liberal Democrats seized on the issue of hunger in America. A food stamp bill was passed in Congress. (There had been food programs since the 1930s; Nick Kotz in his book "Let Them Eat Promises" suggests a main motive of food programs was to sell the surplus farm crops.) In the late 60s, CBS did a special on hunger with host Charles Kuralt.

In the opening of the program, he focused on a starving, soon to die baby, demonstrating what devastation hunger can cause. The deception was that Kuralt knew the baby’s problems were not caused by hunger, but due to other sickness (Kotz also discussed this incident). Kuralt and his team could not persuade the local doctors to sign a document claiming the problem was hunger.

Kuralt had the persona of an exceptionally honest, decent man, and so the deceit was not harmful to his career. Then when Kuralt died, it was reported that in addition to his wife and family, he had maintained a second family for twenty-nine years.

One must speculate what else in all of those liberal stories that Kuralt told was not true. One can almost draw a line from Kuralt to the present liberal zeal to lie about policy.

So, in 2018 the liberal media rushed to show the world the horrible conditions of the children coming across the southern American border. In one prominent instance focusing on one crying little girl, television segments were shown, and then the eventual Time magazine cover appeared with the small girl in pain and a tall Donald Trump standing over her. The image we are to imagine is that of a heartless president, not even willing to help one small child.

As it turned out, it was not what it appeared, but rather it was “Charles Kuralt time.” The girl was not in panic to be reunited with her mother, but she was crying because she wanted a drink of water. In short, the 2018 story was bogus!

The actual motives and fallacies of the liberal Democrats regarding illegal immigrants are well-reported elsewhere. A capsule summery is all that is required here.

The people in question coming over the southern border are illegal immigrants, not citizens. (The media rarely mentions the word “illegal,” and instead says merely “immigrants.”) Historically, people legally entering the nation from other parts of the world were checked for disease. The Democrat’s policy has been so lax it allows the people to disappear into the society — they could be terrorists, criminals, drug dealers, or carrying disease. The recent 12,000 illegal immigrants in question are broken down roughly as about 2,300 children accompanied by a relative and the others are children with no relative. These children, until the law decides what is to be done, are protected and placed in large enclosed chain link type fences; the kind many Americans can see in their communities around school playgrounds and day care centers.

Illegal immigrant children were separated from relatives before the Trump presidency and children are separated from criminal jailed parents all the time in America.

The illegal immigrants are taking jobs and money from U.S. citizens, including African American citizens. The illegal immigrants obtain massive social welfare benefits, at a time when government, state and national, are running large deficits. The liberal media and Democrats almost never mention American citizens raped, murdered, attacked, and criminally assaulted by illegal immigrants. The liberal media will not report that the wave of immigrants in Europe is changing the entire character of the civilization. The crime is so bad in Europe, citizens are reluctant to move freely in their society.

None of this in Europe could be a good signal for the United States. Yet, the Democrats see these illegal immigrants as future supporters at election time. The liberal Democrats are searching for a campaign issue to win votes. These liberals put winning elections to gain power as more important than the nation’s security and good health.

The Democratic-liberals, magnifying a narrow problem, not even telling the truth about the images they employ, are attempting to impose a bad policy on 300 million Americans.

As the Democrats keep blocking policies that would control the border, one must ask: There are more than 6 billion people in the world, most worse off than U.S. Citizens: How many of these 6 billion do the Democrats want to let into the United States?

John Havick has a Ph.D. in political science. He was a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology for many years, authored several books and a number of articles, including the widely cited "The Impact of the Internet on a Television-Based Society." His work has appeared in The New York Times, and his recent book, "The Ghosts of NASCAR: The Harlan Boys and the First Daytona 500," is available at For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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The liberal Democratic elites are masters of taking a vulnerable, needy small child, or maybe two, three, or even a few thousand, and then advocating from this number a national policy that impacts a nation of over 300 million people.
time magazine, immigration, charles kuralt, media
Wednesday, 27 June 2018 04:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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