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Dumpster Fires Engulf Democrats' Future

cartoon of a democratic donkey looking sad and waving a white flag of surrender

Larry Bell By Monday, 01 July 2024 10:07 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Dark billowing smoke clouds from raging scandals and exposed coverups are blocking sunlight along Democrat campaign pathways leading to November balloting.

Blazing Biden incompetencies revealed in the recent debate only spread smoldering flames ignited much earlier from the time prior to 2020 elections when the FBI and 51 former DOJ intelligence officials dismissed evidence of criminality on Hunter’s “laptop from hell.”

A complicit legacy media gave Joe a pass in falsely disclaiming laptop authenticity along with denying any knowledge of his son’s many murky foreign business dealings.

Other fires have been ignited by Democratic lawfare arsonists who have, and continue to, make their leading political opponent legally ineligible to serve in another presidential term, keep him in courtrooms off the campaign trail, financially bankrupt him, and if possible, jail him.

Nor are those resulting clouds of partisan desperation likely to dissipate any time soon.

Instead, such blatant banana republic-style election interference strategies are continually backfiring to create broader and denser accumulations with the addition of toxic smoke being released from evidence of Biden family foreign influence peddling.

Firey Democrat Debate Over Biden Replacement:

Following his disastrous debate performance with Donald Trump, President Biden is under fire from formerly strong, now panicked supporters of his own party who are urging him to step down as their ticketed contender for another four-year White House term.

Noting that Biden had “struggled to articulate policy specifics, statistics and rebuttals, often stumbling or misspeaking,” even the excruciatingly liberal New York Times editorial board has asked him to drop out of the race.

Quoting an unnamed Democratic strategist, they note that “Biden is about to face a crescendo of calls to step aside” because his deep well of party affection has “run dry.”

The Wall Street Journal editorial board echoed this opinion, stating: “President Biden’s halting, stumbling debate performance Thursday night showed all too clearly that he isn’t up to serving four more years in office. For the good of the country, more even than their party, Democrats have some hard thinking to do about whether they need to replace him at the top of their ticket.”

The Journal then poses an inevitable question regarding why it took so long to reach this conclusion of unfitness to run again.

Stating that they and many others had warned them otherwise, they rhetorically asked, “But did they really think they could hide his decline from the public for an entire election campaign?”

None of this should come as true surprise.

Perhaps recall that Special Counsel Hur’s investigation of Biden’s illegal retention of classified documents dating back to 2017 concluded he was guilty but too forgetfully feeble-minded to be held accountable in court … but remarkably not so much as to impair his judgment in leading the free world.

Nevertheless, persuading Joe to unselfishly resign in the interest of the country has little prospect, and even if that were possible, will pose enormous legal, procedural and alternate candidate selection challenges.

Biden already has all the delegates necessary to win his party’s nomination, while his withdrawal will leave arguably even less popular Kamala Harris as their presumed heir apparent with other similarly low-polling wannabes including Governors Gavin Newsom, Calif. and Gretchen Whitmer, Mich. locked in divisively contentious and distractive Democratic Convention contests.

Inflamingly Partisan Lawfare Assaults:

Unrelenting legal attacks against former President Trump and his associates which began immediately after he first announced plans to run for White House office and continue today have exposed an alarming political weaponization of America’s once globally envied criminal justice system.

Two kangaroo court impeachment attempts to remove him along with endless ongoing sham indictments transparently aimed at preventing the former president’s return are instead evoking widespread opposite responses that make mockery of Democrat claims that he — not they — pose grave threats to democracy.

Within two days of Trump’s conviction in a salacious Manhattan “hush money” trial described by well-known George Washington Law School Professor Jonathan Turley as a “travesty,” his 2024 campaign coffers added more than $200 million, including over $70 million from small donors.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that 67% of voters said the guilty verdict would make no difference to their vote, while 16% said it would make it more likely, and 17% said it would make them less likely to vote for Trump.

Incendiary Biden Family Corruption Evidence:

Meanwhile, fully expect heat from ongoing congressional impeachment investigation releases of bank records and whistleblower evidence of many unexplained millions of dollars of foreign payments to Biden family members and associates through numerous shell companies while Joe was vice president to further increase pressures on Democrats to dump him as their 2024 candidate.

A bank investigator flagged especially serious money laundering concerns regarding a $40,000 payment to “the big guy” from his brother James having originated from a Chinese firm.

And whereas email evidence and congressional eyewitness testimony have disproved Joe’s repeated denials of knowing about his son’s business, we can safely bet that further scrutiny regarding his direct involvement and related legal jeopardy will arise during son Hunter’s upcoming September tax evasion trial.

Altogether, such treacherous Democratic deceptions and complicit coverups by top level deep state operatives and major media networks have ignited five-alarm scorched earth fires that have tragically laid barren smoldering waste to public trust in election fairness and America’s stature as global leader.

Let this all be an urgent lesson when you vote in November.

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 12 books is "Architectures Beyond Boxes and Boundaries: My Life By Design" (2022). Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.

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Dark billowing smoke clouds from raging scandals and exposed coverups are blocking sunlight along Democratic campaign pathways leading to November balloting.
democrats, 2024 elections
Monday, 01 July 2024 10:07 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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