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America's Elites are Driving Their Clown Car Off a Cliff

us house speaker rep nancy pelosi democrat of california

June 30, 2019 San Francisco, California. U.S. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., at the 2019 San Francisco Pride Parade. Her Congressional District encompasses California`s 12th, within San Francisco. (Andreistanescu/

Mike Huckabee By Tuesday, 27 September 2022 03:44 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The Biden administration is driving our country off a cliff, and the American people know it. We’re screaming at the Democrats to stop, or to change course, and yet they just keep maniacally pushing the accelerator down even harder.

A recent NBC News poll shows that 74% of Americans now think America is heading in the wrong direction. That’s an all-time record. It should be front-page news — an abrupt wake-up call to official Washington that what they’ve been doing isn’t working, and that they need to come up with some new solutions, and fast.

But that’s not what’s happening, because the corrupt mainstream media has been in bed with the Democratic Party for so long that they no longer even mind each other’s "morning breath."

They can no longer distinguish the country’s interests from their own partisan objectives.

Consider this: NBC’s own report about its stunning survey results bears the headline, "NBC News Poll: 57% of Voters Say Investigations Into Trump Should Continue."

Are they serious?

The article spends paragraph after monotonous paragraph hyping up this one finding, despite the fact that it says relatively little of consequence about what actually matters to the American people.

The article then turns its attention to Biden’s approval rating, wasting several more paragraphs to report that nothing much has changed before moving on to prognostication about the midterm elections.

It’s not until the very end of the article that they finally get around to mentioning the fact that three-quarters of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Talk about burying the lede.

Sadly, the media has long since abdicated its role of holding the power of government in check and keeping government officials (relatively) honest and accountable.

The result is a government of elitist insiders who are well-aware they can get away with ignoring public opinion 90% of the time as long as they can mobilize their supporters on a select few issues.

Hence, we have media outlets devoting hundreds of words to ginning up manufactured outrage about President Trump while egregiously downplaying the fact that the American people are deeply dissatisfied with how their government is operating.

The big question the media ignores is "just who are those people who think the country is headed in the right direction?"

We have media outlets that are gullibly going along with the farcical notion that the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" (IRA) is anything but an insultingly transparent lie.

Every serious attempt to analyze the legislation has come to the inescapable conclusion that the "Inflation Reduction Act" won’t do anything of the sort.

What it will do is dramatically enhance the ability of the federal government to harass and intimidate law-abiding Americans, especially small business owners.

The IRS doesn’t need $80 billion and 87,000 lethally armed new agents just to keep tabs on a few hundred billionaires.

For the most part, the reason those billionaires pay so little in taxes, at least as a percentage of their net worth, is that they have the means to hire an army of tax experts who know how to legally take advantage of loopholes, credits, and deductions that were intentionally put in place by generations of politicians for reasons both well-meaning and self-serving.

That’s right — politicians created the very "loopholes" they publicly rail against.

If the IRS really thought they could collect hundreds of billions of dollars in unpaid taxes by scrutinizing billionaires more closely, then they could have already done so with the resources already at their disposal.

So, what they’ll actually do with all those new agents and those tens of billions of extra dollars is aggressively audit the lowest-hanging fruit — small business owners, who collectively have significant wealth, but individually lack the means to adequately defend themselves.

Most small businesses can barely afford employees and certainly can’t hire a roomful of high-dollar accountants and lawyers.

Small businesses are the engine of our economy.

They employ almost half of all American workers and account for 45% of GDP.

They are versatile, adapting to changes and pioneering new approaches while large corporations remain sclerotic and resistant to changing their established practices.

Unfortunately, the coming assault on small businesses by the IRS will bludgeon America’s entrepreneurs into submission.

Unable to fight back because they can’t afford to spend years in court, small business owners will simply forego the tax benefits to which they are legally entitled.

The result will be a less dynamic economy with slower growth, less innovation, and fewer opportunities for employees.

It’s no wonder that one of the few things that almost all Americans can agree on these days is that the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Mike Huckabee was the 44th governor of Arkansas and a 2016 Republican candidate for president. He is currently host of "Huckabee" on TBN and host of “The People's Podcast" on Quake Mediaā€‹. Read Mike Huckabee's Reports More Here.

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Elitist insiders are well-aware they can get away with ignoring public opinion 90% of the time. One of the few things that almost all Americans can agree on is that the country is headed in the wrong direction.
small, business, public, opinion
Tuesday, 27 September 2022 03:44 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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