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Carter Page Finds Trump Trial Eerily Familiar

former presidential foreign policy adviser

Carter Page, former foreign policy adviser To Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential election campaign, visited a New York radio show on Jan. 14, 2020. (Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

Deroy Murdock By Thursday, 23 May 2024 11:22 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following column does not represent an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

Déjà vu.

That phrase captures Carter Page’s reaction as he walks through lower Manhattan.

The Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse, the Jacob Javits Federal Building, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office all remind the former Trump campaign adviser of various moments in his career — from intern for New York’s late Democrat U.S. senator, to foreign-intelligence source, to the victim of fraudulent FBI spying.

What Page finds most eerily familiar is the bookkeeping-entry trial of President Donald J. Trump, which he observed in person.

Page considers the scene in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom just the latest episode in the relentless persecution of the former president and his supporters. This began virtually the day that the real-estate magnate declared his candidacy.

"The FISA abuse/international spy scandal that prominent DNC operatives and senior officials of the Obama-Biden administration designed to take out President Trump in his first political campaign remains largely unresolved," Page tells me exclusively.

"For more than seven years, we have continued to fight against the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice and the Democrat party’s operatives who have largely dominated these continued dishonest attacks against President Trump, myself, and so many others."

Page recalls "the original witch hunt" that began in 2016.

The Hillary Clinton campaign fabricated "evidence" and then used its connections and more-than-friendly individuals in the CIA, DOJ, and throughout the Deep State — not least FBI officials James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok — to get the government to spy on Trump, snoop on his advisers, raid their homes, sentence some to prison, and lock up others.

"Believe it or not, people have families," Page says.

"Think of the impact that this has had on President Trump’s family, General Michael Flynn’s family, my own, and so many others.

"All of this chaos tore families apart. But on the other hand, it also pulled families together. That’s why I was so very moved to see Eric Trump here to support his father."

Page waited in line to enter the Manhattan Criminal Courts Building, along with scores of journalists eager to cover New York v. Trump. Page and other citizens sat beside the Fourth Estate and marveled at this unprecedented scenario.

"Although Fox News and a few other conservative media outlets maintain a limited presence in Courtroom 1530, the vast majority of enthusiastic attendees who fill the benches at 100 Centre Street are the same mainstream outlets that pushed the false Russia collusion hoax, from late in the 2016 election through the first three years of the first Trump administration,” Page states.

"Just as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was unsuccessfully used as an early prop to 'get Trump,' this court in lower Manhattan is the latest frontline in this ongoing assault on American democracy."

Trump’s defenders have questioned Judge Merchan’s objectivity in this matter, given his political donations to President Biden and a PAC called Stop Republicans as well as his daughter’s management of a political consultancy that runs digital ads and raises money for Democrat candidates and causes.

Page, however, gives Merchan the benefit of the doubt.

He believes that the jurist displayed common decency by excusing Trump to attend his son Barron’s graduation from West Palm Beach’s Oxbridge Academy last Friday.

Like most Americans, Page is eager to see whether a jury from Manhattan  — which voted 86.4% for Joe Biden — will Get Trump, no matter what, or if District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s crumbling case will make them gag. If so, perhaps through gritted teeth, they just might acquit Trump of these so-far unproved charges.

Either way, the Naval Academy alumnus and foreign-energy expert understands the moral of this story.

"The main lesson is that we need to start fighting much more strongly," Page says.

"President Trump and each of us other crime victims have certainly learned this the hard way. Equally important, we must be ready to call out the Democrats' continued election interference campaigns, especially now, as their assault on American democracy has reached new levels with this latest ongoing show trial."

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor. Read Deroy Murdock's Reports — Read More Here.

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Page considers the scene in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom just the latest episode in the relentless persecution of the former president and his supporters. This began virtually the day that the real-estate magnate declared his candidacy.
comey, merchan, strzok
Thursday, 23 May 2024 11:22 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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