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Tags: joe biden | performance | horror | debate | joe klein | liberals | donald trump

Liberal Author Joe Klein: Debate 'Worse Than Disastrous; It Was Sad'

By    |   Friday, 28 June 2024 08:59 AM EDT

Writer and liberal political commentator Joe Klein declared President Joe Biden's first debate with former President Donald Trump a "horror."

In a withering review of the Thursday night match-up — headlined "Wipeout" — the "Primary Colors" author called Biden's performance "worse than disastrous. It was sad, it was humiliating."

"His voice was weak, his answers garbled and incomprehensible — certainly to anyone who doesn't spend their life following politics," Klein wrote. "If he had effective moments, and there might have been a few, they were lost in the overall horror."

Klein added the president "looked like a hospice patient who got lost on his way to the bathroom."

"That was probably the biggest thing: He looked and sounded awful," he wrote.

"In past debates, Biden maintained eye contact with the camera when [former President Donald] Trump spoke; he seemed focused and strong." Klein wrote.

"This time, he rarely made eye contact; he looked down, mouth slack. He gave the impression of a very old man."

Fran Beyer

Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.

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Writer and liberal political commentator Joe Klein declared President Joe Biden's first debate with former President Donald Trump a "horror."
joe biden, performance, horror, debate, joe klein, liberals, donald trump
Friday, 28 June 2024 08:59 AM
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