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VP Harris: 'We're Going to Have to Earn Our Reelect'

By    |   Monday, 20 November 2023 11:25 AM EST

Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN on Monday that she and President Joe Biden will "have to earn" reelection amid poor national polling results.

"We're going to have to earn our reelect," Harris told CNN when asked about recent polls showing Biden lagging in the 2024 presidential election. "There's no doubt about it."

Although Biden brushed off questions about recent polling with a comment that there are more surveys showing him beating former President Donald Trump than losing to him, Harris expressed concern.

Asked about her role in the campaign, Harris told CNN: "To be honest, I've not compared this cycle with what previous vice presidents have done in a reelect.

"But I have a great sense of duty and responsibility to do as much as I can, to be where the people are, and to not only speak with them, but listen to them and let them know what we've accomplished."

Harris added: "It is absolutely right in a democracy with free and fair elections that the candidates, the people who want to continue in leadership have to make their case, and have to make it effectively. And that means communicating in such a way that the message is received about the accomplishments and what we care about."

Several notable Democrats told CNN that Harris, 59, is emerging as a key advantage for Biden, 81, whose age has become a top concern among voters.

"People were saying, 'The VP is a drag on the ticket,'" Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said. "Now they're saying just the opposite."

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis added: "I absolutely think she can move voters."

Theodore Bunker

Theodore Bunker, a Newsmax writer, has more than a decade covering news, media, and politics.

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Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN on Monday that she and President Joe Biden will "have to earn" reelection amid poor national polling results.
kamala harris, joe biden, 2024 election
Monday, 20 November 2023 11:25 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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