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Kari Lake to Newsmax: Biden 'Rolled Out the Welcome Mat' at Border

By    |   Monday, 17 June 2024 04:40 PM EDT

Kari Lake, a candidate in the Republican Senate primary in Arizona, told Newsmax on Monday that President Joe Biden and others in the Democratic Party have "rolled out the welcome mat" with their border policies.

Lake, in an interview on "Newsline," criticized Biden and congressional Democrats over the number of illegal crossings at the border, referring to recent crimes allegedly committed by undocumented immigrants.

"We need to have a legal immigration system that helps America," Lake said.

She added that "criminals, hardened criminals, rapists, murderers, and terrorists that have been ushered in" because "Joe Biden has rolled out the welcome mat, and he's gotten support from people like the guy I'm running against," the presumptive Democrat nominee, Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., who she described as "an open borders nut job, frankly."

Lake want on to refer to the recent arrest of an undocumented immigration from El Salvador who is accused of murdering a mother of five in Maryland, saying that Gallego "wants to have people like the murderer and the rapist you just talked about roll in through this country."

She continued, "and worse yet, wants to give them citizenship, free housing, job permits, and a right to vote in our country."

Lake went on to cite "a recent poll," possibly a May survey from CBS News and YouGov, saying it shows voters "want the people who poured in under the Biden invasion to be deported. And 44% of our Hispanic population says, No, we don't want this. We don't want people coming in competing with us for jobs, driving our wages down, competing with us for housing. Americans are tired of it."


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Theodore Bunker

Theodore Bunker, a Newsmax writer, has more than a decade covering news, media, and politics.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Kari Lake, a candidate in the Republican Senate primary in Arizona, told Newsmax on Monday that President Joe Biden and others in the Democrat Party have "rolled out the welcome mat" with their border policies.
kari lake, newsmax, arizona, border, immigration
Monday, 17 June 2024 04:40 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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