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Tags: kamala harris | van jones | joe biden | 2024 election | reelected | debate

Van Jones: Harris Likely President if Biden Wins

By    |   Sunday, 30 June 2024 09:58 PM EDT

On Friday, CNN's Van Jones, during a broadcast of "CNN NewsNight," suggested that President Joe Biden would not be able to endure another four years as president and, if he's reelected, Vice President Kamala Harris would take his place.

"This has been something that they have described as a conservative talking point, a hit job, that she's really the one on the ballot. But it seems like at this very moment, that is true," host Abby Phillip said.

"Yeah," Jones responded, "because, look, Joe Biden did a great job today. And that was a relief for a lot of people, but it's hard to unsee yesterday.

"And it's hard to imagine the guy you saw yesterday making it four-and-a-half more years. And so you do have to acknowledge there is a high likelihood that a Joe Biden victory ultimately means Kamala Harris will be president. So people need to make the decision: Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel good about that?"

Nick Koutsobinas

Nick Koutsobinas, a Newsmax writer, has years of news reporting experience. A graduate from Missouri State University’s philosophy program, he focuses on exposing corruption and censorship.

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On Friday, CNN's Van Jones, during a broadcast of "CNN NewsNight," suggested that President Joe Biden would not be able to endure another four years as president and, if he's reelected, Vice President Kamala Harris would take his place.
kamala harris, van jones, joe biden, 2024 election, reelected, debate
Sunday, 30 June 2024 09:58 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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