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Conservatives' New Political Power Is Being a 'Fourth Force'

united states presidency rally

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Circa Resort and Casino on Jan. 25, 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event focused on Trump’s first week in office, including his proposed policy to eliminate taxes on tips for service industry employees. (Ian Maule/Getty Images)

Richard Viguerie By Wednesday, 29 January 2025 10:57 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Conservatives Must Be a 'Fourth Force'

Say goodbye to ages old politics.

Welcome to the new American politics.

For most of our history, American politics had two major political forces — Democratic and Republican.

They had disagreements, but they were usually minor by today’s politics — ā€‹perhaps a matter of personnel, a new government program, more or less taxes, increased or less regulation of business.

Mostly what divided them was the "out" party wanted to be the "in" party, and the "in" party wanted to stay the "in" party.

However, one thing was consistent. Whichever party was in power, government grew.

Both parties were not only comfortable with such growth but were eager and anxious to grow government. The bigger the government, the more spoils to divide.

In the 1950’s two new major forces independent of the two major political parties entered American politics — liberals and conservatives.

The liberals quickly captured control of the Democratic Party.

Thus, today’s Democratic Party and liberals, progressives, socialists are one in the same.

They removed God from their platform, inserted the LGBTQ and radical abortion agenda and wanted the government to control everything from health care to education.

Conservatives started much slower in the 1950’s, picked up speed with the 1964 Barry Goldwater for President campaign, and became a full-fledged political force in the 1980’s under President Ronald Reagan.

Until recently the Republican Party was still under the control and leadership of the Republican Establishment, including people like Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Bob Michel, Howard Baker, Bush 41 and 43 (as well as hundreds of their family and friends, such as Jeb Bush, James Baker, Dick Darman, Dick Cheney), Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Perhaps nothing expresses the weakness and failures of the Republican establishment more effectively than the first speech Jerry Ford gave to the Congress after he was sworn in as president.

On Oct. 4, 1974, Ford went before a joint session of Congress declaring, "My motto toward the Congress [Democratically controlled at the time] is communication, conciliation, compromise, and cooperation."

In other words, Ford went before the Democratic-controlled Congress to surrender to the opposing party’s agenda!

Today, the surrender caucus is being defeated.

For most of the last 75 years conservatives acted as an appendage, or an arm, of the GOP.

The conservative cause did not achieve significant success at the national level because most conservative leaders failed to lead — attaching themselves to the Republican Party and its leaders.

But under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, the conservative movement began to play a larger and more effective role in Republican politics.

We had a seat most of the time at the policy tables in his first administration and are now seeing great gains in the second.

Conservatives are thrilled beyond words at Donald Trump’s election as the 47th president of the United States, and his brilliant leadership.

The vast majority of the time, the conservative movement will be on board with Trump’s agenda, this time around.

There will be many occasions when he will need our help, support — and our involvement.

However, there will also be times where conservatives will disagree with the Trump administration. On such occasions we movement conservatives need to be effective in our opposition.

There will be times when we’ll need significant resources to be a striking force to reckon with, to stay on the right path.

Remember the left is led by many brilliant, top-of-their game, world-class leaders with massive resources focused on pulling the public, major institutions, Republican politicians, and even President Trump to the left.

We will need to counter that with our own major, world-class leaders who have the support of large, results-worthy, major organizations.

But to wholly achieve helping lead America to preserve, protect, and pass on the blessings of liberty and freedom under God’s laws, the conservative movement will have to be vastly larger and stronger.

Unfortunately, today the conservative movement is seen (perhaps accurately) by many as a paper tiger.

If we movement conservatives are going to continue to make gains, our leaders need to learn from the left. Beginning in the 1950’s and 1960’s liberals operated as a third force, independent of the Democratic Party.

Liberals built a politically unstoppable force, which consisted of developing and promoting their own issues, such as climate change, increased regulation of business, promotion of abortion, Black Lives Matter (BLM), Defund the Police, LGBTQ issues, etc.

This third force had the desired effect by capturing the Democratic Party and moving it to the far left.

The left started 20,000-plus new single-issue organizations at the national, state, and local levels using postal, e-mail, and digital outreach.

They identified over 21,000,000 donors and raised billions of dollars yearly from individual donors, foundations, and corporations.

They were subsidized by government grants and giveaways with the help of the establishment GOP.

They also developed more than 100,000 new, mostly young, leaders at the local, state, and national level to run their nonprofit organizations and become politically active in the Democratic Party.

Not only must the conservative movement use this time while we have a president who is mostly aligned with our goals, but there will come a time when President Trump will leave office, and conservatives will want to nominate and elect future presidents, dominate Congress, and govern America.

Conservatives need to become a fourth force, effectively countering the left, capturing control of the GOP as the left has done with Democrats.

So, for the next few years the new American politics will be composed of four major forces:

  • The Democrat Party and their far-left liberal, socialist allies.
  • The Republican establishment.
  • Donald Trump and MAGA.
  • The conservative movement.

But we need to significantly grow our forces now —ā€‹ creating 20,000 new organizations with over 20,000,000 unique donors, identifying and engaging hundreds of mega donors, and cultivating thousands of young, entrepreneurial, risk-taking leaders.

The goal for conservatives the next few years is to only have two forces.

  • The Democratic Party.
  • The Republican Party, controlled and dominated by limited government, traditional Judeo/Christian values, constitutional conservatives.

President Donald J. Trump has shown the way to be a disruptor and formidable force in American politics.

To paraphrase various military leaders —ā€‹ conservatives: boldness, boldness, always boldness. Don’t wait for orders from others. Rush to the sound of the guns.

Our impact can be momentous and great, if we do the hard work.

So let’s do it.

Richard Viguerie transformed American politics in the 1960’s and 1970’s by pioneering the use of direct mail fundraising in the political and ideological spheres. He used direct mail marketing/fundraising to help build the conservative movement. Considered the "Funding Father of the conservative movement," Mr. Viguerie has motivated and activated millions of Americans to participate in politics for the first time. Read Richard Viguerie's reports --- More Here.

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Conservatives need to become a force, effectively countering the left, capturing control of the GOP as the left has done with Democrats.
ford, nixon, reagan
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 10:57 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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