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Book: All Races, Genders Have Made Contributions

cover of book white guys are okay too

Steve Gruber By Monday, 31 August 2020 09:17 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Hans Christian Andersen penned a classic fable called The Emperor's New Clothes in which some clever tailors dupe a young emperor. They convince him that the clothes they are making for him are so special that only smart people can see them. They are invisible to anyone who is stupid. Sufficiently intelligent people will be able to see the genius of their magnificent work.

The tailors don't actually make any clothing, but the emperor, not wanting to be deemed stupid when he can't see any garments, raves about their work. He parades down the middle of town wearing nothing. His townspeople, also not wanting to seem less than brilliant, all rave about how great his new outfit is. Finally, a young boy speaks up and points out the obvious. The Emperor is stark naked.

In 2020 author Tim Constantine is that boy speaking up and pointing out the obvious. For several years now the left-leaning American media has been telling viewers and readers that old white men are the source of all that is bad in the world. As quickly as CNN or Time magazine can say it, another news source tweets it and repeats it. White men are dangerous, are terrorists, evildoers, and must be stopped.

Voices as far-ranging as Oprah Winfrey and economist Paul Krugman repeat the mantra that white privilege is real and must be systematically dismantled. White men must be stopped. The New York Times declares, falsely, that America itself is founded in racism.

In White Guys Are Okay Too: Heroes Throughout History Constantine halts the madness, and much like the little boy in Andersen's tale, points out the obvious: White guys aren't inherently evil. In fact, they have contributed mightily to advances and inventions humankind the world over has been enjoying for centuries.

Constantine looks at contributions in medicine (penicillin anyone?), in literature (how about a little Shakespeare?), in business, in space, in the culinary arts, in sports, and much more. He covers a lot of ground and manages to remind readers along the way that movies, Coca-Cola and basketball, enjoyed by tens of millions of people of all racial backgrounds, were created by white guys. But that doesn't make white men better or worse than anyone else.

Constantine's humor peeks through throughout and his good-natured approach assures the reader that no race nor gender is better (or worse) than another. White Guys Are Okay Too: Heroes Throughout History isn't really about white guys. It features sections on Nelson Mandela, Spike Lee and Jesse Owens among many minorities and women, cleverly proving that we all have something to contribute.

The book's introduction reminds the reader that we should focus on what unites us as a human race, rather than dividing ourselves by pigment.

Constantine even mocks the fact that he needs to refresh people's memory about the contributions of white guys, in a chapter called "White Guys You Don't Know That You Know." Chapters on fashion, higher education, literature and baseball will fill your head with facts and trivia all while keeping you entertained.

Constantine has enlisted the help of international artist Marzio Mariani to create caricatures of many of the historical figures in White Guys Are Okay Too: Heroes Throughout History. The images lend a level of levity that balances with the factual nature of the chapters to keep things light and a pleasure to read.

Steve Gruber is a conservative talk show host with 25 affiliates in Michigan. "The Steve Gruber Show" launched in 2012 with just four affiliates and has grown into the most powerful name in talk radio across Michigan. Steve has been named "Best Morning Personality" by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters five years in a row. His conservative, common-sense philosophy was developed during his time growing up in rural Michigan. Steve's early career found him in several newsrooms including WILX, Lansing where he honed his investigative journalism and interviewing skills. He became the main news anchor of the station and before long was offered a job with NBC in Columbus, Ohio. While working for NBC, he covered the incredible launch of John Glenn, age 77, into space at Cape Canaveral, White Supremacists in Ohio, and the deadly game of selling prescription medication online. Steve was nominated for an Emmy in 2000. Read Steve Gruber's Reports — More Here.

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Constantine looks at contributions in medicine (penicillin anyone?), in literature (how about a little Shakespeare?), in business, in space, in the culinary arts, in sports, and much more.
race, gender, history
Monday, 31 August 2020 09:17 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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