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Hamas Must Renounce Terrorism, Unconditionally Surrender

current hamas leader in gaza

On Nov. 4, 2019, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar sppoke during a conference in Gaza city. (Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/

Tawfik Hamid By Friday, 27 October 2023 10:02 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

As if further proof was needed, the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel have confirmed the
continuous desire of the terrorist organization to apply "Article 7" of its charter, which calls for the killing of Jews.


"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews.

"When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say, 'O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.'"
Simply interpreted, it means Hamas is continually planning geocide for the Jews.

It is obvious what Hamas wants.

Therefore the argument may be well-made that is quite irrational to blame Israel for its aggressive response against an opponent attempting to annihilate its people.

This is especially true after Hamas, on Oct. 7, 2023 — approximately the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War — shamelessly and proudly murdered children in front of their parents, burned young people and humiliated old Jewish women on their media broadcasts as its terrorists breached the Israeli border.

Now, Israel’s forces are ceaselessly pounding Hamas positions inside Gaza.

Given the death and destruction wrought by the ill-conceived invasion of Israel, will Hamas and its supporters now realize that the only way to peace and a homeland is by offering or accepting peace?

They need look only to what Israel has proven time and again: such as by accepting more than one million Arab Muslims to live as Israeli citizens, and returning Sinai to Egypt after signing the peace treaty with President Anwar Sadat.

Had Hamas followed such a course, their conflict with Israel would have been resolved to a reasonable extent years ago.

History teaches that truly ending wars usually requires one side to surrender
unconditionally, as what happened when Japan and Nazi Germany did so, ending World War II.

Yes, Hamas surrendering would constitute a devastating blow to its image.

But doing so, and renouncing its support of terrorism and massacre, would allow a real peace process to proceed.

This is obviously arduously difficult; and it is even among those not directly involved in Hamas’s terror activities.

It is clear that the UNRWA has failed miserably in countering radical views and hatred among Palestinian young generation via their schools in the region.

Several Arab and Muslim countries retain influence or outright control over Hamas.

Those Arab nations, and Turkey, for example, could leverage their political and economic power, forcing Hamas to capitulate.

Demanding Israel cease its retributive attacks is unrealistic and is frankly unworkable.

Rather, compeling Hamas leaders to wholly accept responsibility for civilian suffering in Gaza, and placing its leaders in a position in which everyone knows that ending such suffering is in their hands, will turn many Palestinians against

Hamas continues to shamelessly promote the murder of all Jews as part of its Constitution.

Until such developments take place, the United States and the Free World should declare
both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood as outcast terrorist organizations, and act accordingly.

It's long past time to rid the world of their ideology. Both groups are culpable.

Hamas has declared, on a video available on YouTube, that they give their allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It should not be forgotten that former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi instructed Muslims to "nurse their children hatred to the Jews."

The teaching of such evil must be fought on several fronts.

It includes withdrawing funding for the UNRWA unless the organization genuinely promotes peace and tolerance among the people of Gaza.

Otherwise, our taxpayer dollars will continue to be wasted on an organization ignoring education's vital role in ending the Mideast conflict.

Similarly, supporting attacks on Hamas without declaring its mother organization the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group is insufficient to defeat its ideology.

(A related article may be found here.)

Dr. Tawfik Hamid (aka Tarek Abdelhamid) M.D., Mlitt (Edu), has testified before Congress and before the European Parliament. Dr. Hamid is the author of "Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works, Why It Should Terrify Us, How to Defeat It." Read Dr. Tawfik Hamid's Reports — More Here.

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Supporting attacks on Hamas without declaring its mother organization the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group is insufficient to defeat its ideology.
gaza, hamas, unrwa
Friday, 27 October 2023 10:02 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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