Akira Toriyama, the renowned Japanese manga artist who created the iconic "Dragon Ball" series in the 1980s, died March 1 at age 68 due to complications from an acute subdural hematoma, according to the official "Dragon Ball" website.
"It's our deep regret that he still had several works in the middle of creation with great enthusiasm. Also, he would have many more things to achieve," read the statement from Bird Studio.
"He has left many manga titles and works of art to this world. Thanks to the support of so many people around the world, he has been able to continue his creative activities for over 45 years. We hope that Akira Toriyama's unique world of creation continues to be loved by everyone for a long time to come."
Toriyama initially found success in the manga world with his creation of the beloved "Dr. Slump" series in the late 1970s, according to Variety.
His talent was recognized with a prestigious Shogakukan Manga Award in 1981, and he oversaw the production of two anime adaptations of the series.
His greatest triumph came with "Dragon Ball," which expanded on his earlier work "Dragon Boy" inspired by kung fu movies.
Starting as a manga series in 1984, "Dragon Ball" became one of the highest-selling manga series worldwide. Its influence has been profound, playing a significant role in popularizing manga internationally.
The popularity of its various anime adaptations has further solidified its status, particularly in Western countries.
Although largely operating outside the public eye, Toriyama's artistic contributions extended beyond "Dragon Ball," particularly after reducing his involvement with the franchise in the 1990s.
His portfolio includes numerous one-shot manga series and character designs for iconic video games such as "Chrono Trigger" and the "Dragon Quest" series.
In the 2010s, Toriyama made a comeback to "Dragon Ball," earning a screenplay credit for the film "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods," marking the first feature adaptation of the series in almost two decades.
He remained engaged with the franchise during its recent series of film releases, including the latest installment, "Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero," released in 2022.
Zoe Papadakis ✉
Zoe Papadakis is a Newsmax writer based in South Africa with two decades of experience specializing in media and entertainment. She has been in the news industry as a reporter, writer and editor for newspapers, magazine and websites.
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