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Tags: Racism | Progressives | Liberals | Critical Race Theory | Jim Crow

Let Them Call You Racist

Let Them Call You Racist

Tom Basile By Monday, 19 April 2021 11:16 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

To call something the "new Jim Crow" is all the rage with the chaos profiteers on the Left.

Their total devotion to this strategy of division and hatred is a national disgrace.

Party bosses and poverty pimps have been race-obsessed for decades exploiting it for their own benefit, but the vast majority of Americans don’t think a superficial characteristic should organize their lives.

What they really want are good neighbors, reliable friends, fine role models for their kids, safe communities, quality products, competent services, and the freedom to pursue the American Dream.

"Racist" or "white supremacist" are shocking terms to them precisely because of the moral failing they imply.

Those labels should be consigned to the backward fringes of our society.

Seeing racism behind every interaction, the Left has transformed it into a throwaway term.

Throwaway term or not, they know it still has the power to strike paralyzing fear into the hearts of individuals, organizations and companies.

When the president of the United States incorporates this language into virtually all his public comments, it is as if all of us are being accused of bigotry, or outright white supremacy.

Critical Race Theory, which is being used by companies, schools and government agencies, believes that all white people are inherently racist.

Americans cannot be afraid to stand up for what’s right for their fellow citizens even in the face of these disgusting and baseless accusations.

So, let them call you racist.

Let the bitter, angry, and brainwashed call you whatever they want.

Silence in the face of this modern-day Inquisition is a choice we cannot afford to make. It will only embolden their oppression.

Being a Republican isn’t racist.

Thinking that all lives matter equally isn’t racist.

Expecting people who receive government assistance to try to find work and ultimately get off welfare isn’t racist.

Believing that people should immigrate to the U.S. legally, learn English and ultimately be able to provide for themselves isn’t racist.

Pointing out the decay of families is directly correlated with poverty and income inequality isn’t racist.

Fighting the same public teachers unions who want to eliminate school choice for minority students isn’t racist.

Thinking that minority communities have the sophistication to obtain a photo identification isn’t racist.

Pointing out that low-income minority communities, when given a hand up as opposed to merely a handout, can perform socially and economically on par with whites, isn’t racist.

Recognizing that glorification of gangs and drugs contribute to economic inequality, isn’t racist.

Believing that putting pot shops and more mind-altering drugs in our cities can’t possibly end well for minority communities isn’t racist.

Acknowledging that just throwing money at people devalues hard work and won’t solve chronic societal problems isn’t racist.

Believing that wealth redistribution and reparations are fundamentally unjust to every American alive today isn’t racist.

Believing that the moral crime of abortion has depressed the Black community’s ability to grow its political and economic power isn’t racist.

Standing by our police officers who work to save Black lives while urban crime spirals out of control in liberal cities isn’t racist.

Pointing out that Black Lives Matter is a violent Marxist political organization that’s funded by white liberal billionaires isn’t racist.

There will always be real racism in a nation as large and diverse as ours.

While we should never accept any measure of it, we must also accept that trying to expunge it from society through intimidation, slander, and scarlet letter tactics won’t work.

If someone calls you a racist or a white supremacist for any of the above mainstream American ideas, don’t back down.

Stick to your convictions.

Promote an America where gaslighting takes a back seat to honest discussion and weighing the facts.

You know what’s in your heart.

No decent American looks at the tragedy of inner-city violence, urban decay, and welfare segregation and doesn’t feel sick over it.

But the irony should be lost on no one that the same elites screaming that everyone is a racist or white supremacist have been manipulating minorities in this country for decades.

President Biden and the Left have no interest in changing their approach.

They want social chaos to justify more government intervention and control over Black, brown, and white alike.

Let them call you a racist.

Standing up for your belief that the vast majority of people are inherently good, everyone has value and character matters more than race is not something to be self-censored, hidden or whispered while looking over your shoulder.

It’s an invaluable service to the nation.

Tom Basile is the host of ‘America Right Now’ on Newsmax Television, Saturday’s from 11:00 am- 1:00 pm eastern. Read Tom Basile's Reports — More Here.

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Standing up for your belief that the vast majority of people are inherently good, everyone has value and character matters more than race is not something to be self-censored, hidden or whispered while looking over your shoulder.
Racism, Progressives, Liberals, Critical Race Theory, Jim Crow
Monday, 19 April 2021 11:16 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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