Clarence V. McKee - The Silent Minority
Clarence V. McKee has an extensive background of accomplishment and expertise in law, media, corporate, government, legislative, international and political affairs. He is particularly skilled in the effective use of electronic and print media.

He is the former co-owner of WTVT-TV in Tampa where he was the guiding force behind the creation of the first Florida Lottery Television Network, developed partnerships with local businesses to raise funds for public education, and served on several boards, including Barnett Banks, Inc. Florida Power/Florida Progress Corporation, Checkers Drive-in-Restaurants and American Life Insurance Company.

He is a former chairman of the Florida Association of Broadcasters; served on the U.S. Senate Nutrition Committee for Senator Jacob K. Javits, writing food stamp and school lunch legislation; was a legal advisor to former FCC Commissioner Benjamin L. Hooks, where he assisted in drafting Equal Opportunity Rules for the broadcasting and cable television industries.

During the Reagan-Bush Administrations he was vice chairman of the Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors; Chairman of the District of Columbia Delegation to the Republican National Convention; and, Washington Counsel and lobbyist for the Angolan Freedom Fighters (UNITA).

He was appointed by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and re-appointed by Governor Charlie Crist, to the 17th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission and to the Board of Commissioners of the North Broward Hospital District (“Broward Health”).

He was a member of the Florida Delegation to the 2008 Republican National Convention and coordinated the black radio and print media outreach effort for the Scott-Carroll Gubernatorial campaign.

His political commentary has appeared in national and Florida publications. He is a commissioner on the North Broward Hospital District, serving the northern two thirds of Broward County Florida and has been a member of the Florida Council of 100 and Associated Industries of Florida.

Tags: donald trump | joe biden | antisemitism | protests | college campuses

Trump Fights Antisemitism, Certainly More Than Biden Ever Did  

pro-palestinian, pro-israeli protesters at ucla

Clarence V. McKee By Wednesday, 12 March 2025 03:58 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

During the past year, Jewish students in major colleges and universities have been the subject of vicious antisemitic protests, violence, and hateful rhetoric by pro-Hamas protesters, which spread like wildfire to campuses throughout the country.

In this space in May of last year, I criticized the Biden administration — particularly then-Attorney General Merrick Garland and then-Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona — for not taking action to protect and defend the civil rights of Jewish students.

The Biden administration turning its back on such antisemitism has emboldened pro-Hamas and anti-Israel fanatics. The most recent attacks occurred in Borough Park in Brooklyn, New York, one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities in the world, where anti-Jewish and anti-Israel protesters vocally and physically attacked Jewish demonstrators.

Prominent New York Democrats, such as Gov. Kathy Hochul, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, were quick to condemn the antisemitic rhetoric and physical attacks.

They are hypocrites of the worst order.

Following these attacks, sympathetic protesters stormed Barnard College, protesting the expulsion of students who stormed Columbia University in January. To the best of my knowledge, these same Democrats were silent.

That's unsurprising.

They were also silent when the female presidents of elite colleges and universities could not or would not condemn anti-Jewish demonstrations on their campuses.

The mostly silent reaction of the Democratic Party leadership establishment and politicians indicates that they are obviously unaware of, or ignore, the findings of the 2023-2024 Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Annual Report on anti-Israel activism on U.S. campuses.

Among its findings is that there were "2,637 anti-Israel incidents of assault, vandalism, harassment, protests/actions, and divestment resolutions between June 2023 and May 31, 2024, a staggering 628% increase in those categories compared to the same period in 2022-2023. This marks the highest number ever documented by ADL."

Contrast the Biden administration and Democratic Party leadership inaction to these antisemitic protests to the Trump administration's response.

Within days of becoming president, Donald Trump signed an executive order reinforcing his December 2019 executive order on combating antisemitism. It stated that Jewish students faced antisemitic harassment in schools and on university and college campuses and that the nation's civil rights laws would be enforced to ensure that they "would protect American Jews to the same extent to which all other American citizens are protected."

Stating that because the 2019 order had been "effectively nullified" by the Biden administration's failing to give the terms "full force and effect," it directed additional measures to advance its policy "in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023, against the people of Israel."

The order makes specific reference to the antisemitic protests and demonstrations referenced above, stating that the Hamas attacks "[u]nleashed an unprecedented wave of vile anti-Semitic discrimination, vandalism, and violence against our citizens, especially in our schools and on our campuses."

It went on to state: "Jewish students have faced an unrelenting barrage of discrimination; denial of access to campus common areas and facilities, including libraries and classrooms; and intimidation, harassment, and physical threats and assault."

Did we ever hear President Joe Biden or his attorney general make such a statement regarding protecting Jewish Americans — one of the most loyal Democratic constituencies?

Did we ever hear President Biden or his attorney general threaten government action against the perpetrators of violence against Jewish students and college administrators who tolerated such actions?

If so, I missed it.

In a follow-up to the January order, the Justice Department established a multiagency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, whose "first priority will be to root out anti-Semitic harassment in schools and on college campuses."

Veteran civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, the senior counsel to the assistant U.S. attorney for civil rights, leads the effort.

It announced that it would visit 10 university campuses that have experienced antisemitic incidents since Oct. 2023, including Columbia, George Washington, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and New York universities.

Terrell rightly rebuked the Biden administration, saying that local prosecutors in major cities where Jews have been harassed and denied access to universities did not file hate crime charges, did nothing, and "failed at their job."

One would think that the same Democrats that condemned the violent protests cited above would praise the efforts of Trump, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and Terrell to attack antisemitism on our campuses.

If they did, I missed it.

Terrell stated the obvious truth that the "lame-stream" legacy media and Democrats, will not:
"We are about to do more in a month than Biden and [Vice President Kamala] Harris did in four years."

Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations and training consulting firm in Florida. He is the author of "How Obama Failed Black America and How Trump Is Helping It." Read Clarence V. McKee's Reports — More Here.

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During this past year, Jewish students in major colleges and universities have been the subject of vicious anti-Semitic protests, violence, and hateful rhetoric by pro-Hamas protesters, which spread like wildfire to campuses throughout the country.
donald trump, joe biden, antisemitism, protests, college campuses
Wednesday, 12 March 2025 03:58 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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