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Debra J. Saunders - Political Trends

Debra J. Saunders

Jul 5, 2024
Joe Biden Not Above Kicking Someone When They're Down
Now the big-media mantra is that it is such a shame that Biden isn't up to the job because, while he shouldn't be in the Oval Office, he really is such an incredibly good guy.

Jul 1, 2024
Biden Isn't Listening, But Trump Is
I'm guessing a lot of Democrats are telling Biden that moment has come.

Jun 28, 2024
What Does Science Have to Do With Transgender Politics? Nothing
The Biden White House put gender politics over children when a bureaucrat intervened in what was supposed to be a scientifically based process to determine standards of care for treating gender-dysphoric minors.

Jun 27, 2024
Media's Left Tilt Now Shuts Out Dialog
File under: Can dish it out, but can't take it: a few short years ago, the watch phrase among journalists was, "Let's have a conversation." Now it's, "Shut up, man."

Jun 25, 2024
The Same 2 Men Will Debate, But Not Their 2020 Selves
The president is headed to Camp David to prep for the big event. He benefits from low expectations. He has 90 minutes to show America that he still has what it takes. Or not.

Jun 19, 2024
Why Bleach Misinformation About Trump Should Stop - Now
One of the best tools in campaign politics is ridicule. Republicans often ridicule President Joe Biden's age, gait, and garbled speech. Democrats hit former President Donald Trump by claiming that in the early days of COVID-19, Trump told Americans to inject bleach.

Jun 14, 2024
Bidens' Actions Don't Pass Smell Test
You see, there's another issue that follows the first relative of a president to be convicted of a felony , greed.

Jun 12, 2024
November Looms, So Biden Has Another Border Plan
"The border is not a political issue to be weaponized," President Joe Biden proclaimed Tuesday as he rolled out his plan to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

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