Nation's Demise No Longer Stuff of Hollywood Fiction

Oct. 13, 2018: Monument to Josef Stalin in his hometown of Gori in Georgia.

By Friday, 23 February 2024 01:56 PM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

Kurt Russell’s fictional character, Snake Plissken, in the 1981 movie "Escape from New York," was a hero to Generation X’ers.

Director John Carpenter opened our sci-fi eyes to a dystopian view of 1997, where the Big Apple was given up on and walled-off as a massive prison colony where only the strongest survive and brutality has no limits.

In 22 hours, Snake rescues the president of the United States, but not before a raptured audience sees The Big Apple disintegrate on celluloid into a hellscape as civil society breaks down.

World War III against Russia rages on as Snake saves the day for a deep state government that got what it demanded from him.

We walked away from the movie mesmerized by 1980’s-era special effects confident in the fictional drama that such a destiny would never be reality in America.

Who would believe such a thing?

New scene, updated to Manhattan, 2024 . . .

Progressive Marxism on the rise, radicals hold a tight grip on American cities just as Team Biden enters the White House.

Metropolis environs, including Gotham sink into a tailspin of crime, drugs, homelessness, and corruption.

Meanwhile, COVID-19, the ultimate excuse for these apparatchiks to suspend the rule of law doubled down on the economy-killing policies while anti-science mandates for businesses and taxpayers remove their rights.

Mask up. Don't go outside. Be antisocial by practicing social distancing. Close your business. Shut down your way of life. Make room for the ensuing virus hysteria.

Dwight Eisenhower's response to the 1957 Hong Kong Flu. Was? Anyone? . . .

It wasn't to lockdown the nation, mask us, or close down our places of worship. 

But we're not in a movie. And the common sense of the 1950s long ago evaporated.

Rather we're living in a nation where Democratic Party run cities are abject failures of governance, safety, success, justice, and morality.

The reversal of the Trump administration’s close the border policies have led to millions flooding our nation, and our cities — the majority of them are fighting aged men.

Even ardent communist mayors are avoiding their passion for decrying the morality of sanctuary cities.

Following Washington D.C.’s lead of not "giving a damn" about national security, New York has a far higher priority than the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants pouring in.

Just give them another un-auditable $10,000 gift card, and all will be well with their world and ours.

Illegals are beating up NYPD officers in the street, but for Judge Arthur F. Engoron and N.Y. State Atty. Gen. Letticia James the clear and present danger is President Donald J. Trump.

Ms. James campaigned on the promise that she would "Get Trump."

Ask yourselves: who else what else is she out to get?

You? Your "nuisance" business, your printing press? Your political club? Your church group?

Sound Stalinesque? If it doesn’t, it should — loudly.

Lavrenty Beria, Josef Stalin's chief enforcer once famously declared, "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime."

She was hardly alone as the circus was run by smirking Engoron, James, and Gov. Kathy Hochul, D-N.Y.

This triad (troika?) managed to create a mockery of America’s justice system and scheme to steal $450 million of President Trump’s wealth.

It's an eastern seaboard lawfare scam on full display in Manhattan, wholly on steroids.

"Escape from New York" is exactly what will happen. The 2024 remake.

The MAGA faithful expressed outrage.

Even truckers are talking about a Big Apple boycott. God bless those big rig drivers.

Engoron’s ruling did more to gaslight the American citizen than Biden’s frightful speech in front of a red-lit Independence Hall flanked by DEI approved Marines.

The result of the fraud case, the attempts to deny appeal until the millions were paid up were not equaled by the fuse that was lit by Gov. Hochul when she vainly attempted to reassure business and real estate developers that this was only about Trump and for everyone else there was "nothing to worry about."

The actions of these three fascists are causing real estate investors to publicly talk about liquidating New York City assets post haste.

But don't cry out your blues to these legal terrorists.

The private sector.

What government agency is that?

Oh, you have to work hard there?

Not for us.

Bullying is, however, because it almost always works, due to its intimidation factor.

Business leaders like famed real estate magnate, Kevin O’Leary didn’t take comfort in the comments of Gov. Kathy "Hide Your Gast Stoves and Hunting Rifles."

Hedge Fund manager Grant Cardone had openly declared that the Trump ruling places in the city that never sleeps are in a risk category that is unacceptable to their investors.

Investment capital is as existential to the city as the 300 underground water pumps that keep Manhattan dry. Private sector again anyone?

What are the variables that could enable Snake’s New York?

What happens when:

  • The groceries and fuel are not delivered?
  • Investment dollars go away?
  • Residents move away?
  • Illegal immigrants riot?
  • Terrorists attack?

Answer: "Escape from New York" becomes painfully real.

Wall it off.

We will miss you. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D - N.Y., can have it. Afterall, all of this happened on their watch.

Is New York alone?

Hardly, let’s not forget that Snake returned for the sequel in 1996: "Escape from Los Angeles."

Ask yourselves. What fate awaits Chicago, Detroit, Denver, and Texas?

Loyal progressive and uniparty conservatives will never admit that We the People are on to them.

Congress, cheered on by globalists, is running away from our constitutional moorings.

But we don't have too.

We can live and vote on our values and act on our constitutional rights daily.

We must invest ourselves in our communities while we tell our political class this is unacceptable.

We can do it and win.

Yes. Do pray indeed. Our nation’s survival depends on us all doing so, then acting. 

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S.Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.

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We can live and vote on our values and act on our constitutional rights daily. We must invest ourselves in our communities while we tell our political class this is unacceptable. We can do it and win.  Pray indeed. Our nation’s survival depends on us all.
engoron, stalin, beria
Friday, 23 February 2024 01:56 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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