End the Cycle of Death by Healing Women, Not Jailing Them
For decades, the anti-abortion movement tirelessly worked, marched, and prayed to raise awareness about the tragedy of abortion and the importance of protecting life in America.
Thanks to such efforts — and thanks to the courage of our nation's 45th President: Donald J. Trump, the anti-abortion movement achieved once-unimaginable goals: one of them being the end of constitutional atrocity known as Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
Now, the issue no longer sits at the federal level, it has returned to the states.
The states have become the step in the fight for life --- in all its stages.
As Chair of the Center for the American Dream at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), I am honored to be a part of AFPI’s new HOPE Agenda, announced on Thursday.
The HOPE agenda, which stands for Hope, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Empowerment, is a comprehensive 20-point plan designed to empower women in motherhood, adoption, foster care, medical aid, fertility treatments, and more, to help vulnerable women and young mothers prepare for the gift of new life.
Yet, as conservatives, we must also remember that not everything is supposed to be done through government.
The recent decision by the Arizona State Supreme Court, upholding an 1864 Arizona law, for example, takes the wrong approach.
How so?
Because it does not offer exceptions.
It even potentially winds up resulting in the prosecution of women.
In order to stop the cycle of death we have to heal women — not jail them. Mothers and babies need love and options, not abortion and prosecution.
Creating a more just nation for our children and grandchildren requires good laws, to be certain — but it requires good people and committed citizens to stand up for truth and spread the love of Christ in all daily lives.
Already, dozens of states have acted swiftly to end or significantly limit abortions in their states. But our goal as a movement isn’t just to end abortion through laws; our goal is to build such a vibrant culture of life that abortion becomes unthinkable in the hearts and minds of the American people.
The HOPE Agenda is AFPI’s effort to do just that.
By empowering families — with a focus on the rights of parents and responsibility for fathers — we can help build that culture from the ground up.
As a long-time anti-abortion leader, this is exactly the sort of initiative our movement needs to take to demonstrate that we are the movement of compassion, love, and care for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
The American people are on our side on this issue because we understand that as part of God’s plan for humanity, life is a precious gift from God in all its stages.
In fact, polling shows that 79% of Americans disagree with the notion that abortion should be unrestricted at any time, and 73% understand that there are two lives at stake in the abortion debate.
Today, six states, plus Washington, D.C., have absolutely zero restrictions on abortion at all— making abortion laws in some parts of our country more radical than the majority of the world and 94% of Europe.
Such liberal abortion laws more closely resemble China and North Korea than even our European allies.
Since the overturn of Roe, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, 597 U.S. 215 (2022), liberals have been trying to extend this radicalism to the entire nation through federal legislation, and nearly every liberal in Congress has voted to allow abortion up to the moment of birth.
Our movement continues.
It's clear that our work in protecting human life is far from over.
Every child, from the moment of conception, is a child of God, worthy of love, dignity, and respect.
This is why abortion is such a tragedy, and this is why we must do everything we can to uplift the least among us and protect the unborn who do not have a voice to speak for themselves.
My uncle, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously dreamed (Aug. 28, 1963) of a day when we could "make justice a reality for all of God’s children."
From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, he reminded the nation that "we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force."
This is the lesson that the anti-abortion movement is putting into action by helping our vulnerable brothers and sisters.
Now that we have ended Roe at the federal level, it is our duty as American citizens to work tirelessly to build this culture of life from the ground up so that one day abortion becomes just a tragedy of America’s past rather than a reality of our present.
This is how we build a culture of life from life to death.
This is how we spread the will of God, for every one of us, without fail.
Let us pray for our children — unceasingly.
Dr. Alveda King serves as Chair of the Center for the American Dream at the America First Policy Institute. Read More of her Reports — Here.