American Culture Can Be Transformed - One Note at A Time

(Ahmad Safarudin/

By Friday, 22 September 2023 10:15 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord." This is one of the more, if you'll pardon this pun, noteworthy passages in Scripture, and certainly, this writer is not making light of these beautiful words from our Lord.

For decades, this writer has been both a witness to, and practitioner of, transformative visionary justice.

This does not mean she has been a mere spectator!

Just as we could 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years ago, the case can be made today for the urgent need for positive reinforcement of societal transformation.

Yes, all of our senses these days are saturated by the internet, film, books, magazines, television, and music.

Throw into this mix: video games and multiple low and hi-tech "toys."

The next thing we know, our "joyful noise" for the Lord gets muddled, then completely lost.

Furthermore, we our losing the ability to discover our creative selves; and this writer must include herself in that one!

As of late, projects from "yours truly," have caused many to discover my creative nature.

And while this writer has been in the literary and entertainment industries for over 50 years, this aspect of my life has been somewhat of a secret.

But why?

It has been more than aptly said, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

Add music and images to those words, and you can make or break a culture.

I preface the message with the release of three new music videos: "Golden Thread, Grown Folk Business," and "Your AM Can Change," as well as my fifth album: "Golden Thread."

Parents, please understand and heed this: Throughout my lifetime there have been certain constants: the foundational support of loving parents, the unconditional love of God and the transformative impact that music, art, literature, and entertainment collectively have on shaping personal attitudes and global culture.

I raise these points, because as parents we all share the responsibility of ensuring that the "music" our children produce (be it music, literature, or art) is indeed pleasing to God, and benefits all of humanity.

I share these thoughts not to be lecturing, rather to help to clarify, that one can make their point, without making enemies.

During the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th and 21st centuries, this writer has been witness to music and other forms of creative expressions, and how they have the undeniable ability to either inspire and motivate individuals, or even incite war and violence, as well as to depress and destroy communities.

I wrote my first song: "Let Freedom Ring" during those tumultuous days.

In the last several months, I have returned to the studios and am excited to revisit the creative musical artist in me.

As with my evangelism and human rights activities, my mission has always been to unite God's people, one human race.

I have seen communities united under the banner of music, groups who think they have nothing at all in common, singing along to the artistry of popular singers and artisans throughout history.

Recalling America's great anxiety and fear on 9/11, our once deeply divided members of Congress stood before the U.S. Capitol and sang in harmony, "God Bless America."

This writer's 73rd birthday is just around the corner.

Reflecting upon some favorite songs, like "What’s Going On?," "Love Train," "I’ll Always Love You," "What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love," "We Are The World," and the classic hymn "Amazing Grace," I continue to strive to make my case.

If we cannot unite in some areas, let us at least come together again: with faith, hope, and love in music. Joyfully to the Lord.

Meanwhile, I’ve just returned from an incredible trip to Greece.

It was such a blessing to trace the footsteps of the Apostle Paul.

It’s my honor to add other new projects to "the big picture." Currently, I am streaming as "Harriett Tubman" in Dr. Ben and Candy Carson’s "Little Patriots: Under Ground Railroad" animated cartoon.

Coming soon in December I’ll be joining my friend Destiny Yarbrough for a Christmas special. Let me encourage you to do something special as well. Sooner rather than later.

If you have an inspiring song or some other creative expression in your heart, the world needs to see you and/or hear from you.

Now is your time; don’t hold back. Release more faith, hope and love today; in this generation, this decade, this year, on every platform.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven," (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

May God bless you, and the United States of America Forevermore.

Alveda C. King, Ph.D., is chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for the American Dream. She is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She is founder of Speak for Life, and Alveda King Ministries. Dr. King is also an acclaimed author, television host, and contributor. She is author of "How Can the Dream Survive?" She served in the Georgia State House, and has been a presidential appointee, as well as a recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. Read More — Here.

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For decades, his writer has been both a witness to, and practitioner of, transformative visionary justice. This does not mean she has been a mere spectator!
king, note, music
Friday, 22 September 2023 10:15 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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