Let's Remember Higher Education Empowers Women

Women`s Suffrage Centennial Float displays inspirational banners at the 2020 Rose Parade. (Dreamstime)

By Tuesday, 12 March 2024 02:46 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

March is Women’s History Month. For 31 days, we recognize the extraordinary women who made their mark on history and inspired future generations of world-changers.

In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation declaring National Women’s History Week. Congress later passed National Women’s History Month into law in 1987.

Carter said, “Too often, the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”

Many women have contributed to America’s story and blazed trails for others. Their great accomplishments have often been fulfilled due to their pursuit of further education.

Although women were barred from higher education institutions until the 19th century, it hasn’t held them back from achieving their dreams and advancing in their careers. As we recognize Women’s History Month, here are three ways higher education is propelling them forward.

First, women enrolling in college continue to break records and positively shape their future. There’s a significant gender gap in college enrollment. Women made up 55% of undergraduate enrollment and 59% of graduate enrollment in the fall of 2023, according to the National Clearinghouse Research Center.

Women aren’t just outpacing men in enrolling in college, they are also more likely to complete their degree programs. Data from the Pew Research Center showed that more women are completing their degrees than their male counterparts.

For single moms (who make up nearly 10% of women's college attendance), education is making a significant difference in their lives. Single mothers with a college degree earned more than $625,000 throughout their lifetimes, compared to $256,000 for associate degree holders.

Those with a high school diploma are three times more likely to live in poverty than those who hold a bachelor’s degree, according to data from the Institute of Women’s Policy Research.

As women continue to earn degrees, it offers many opportunities for them in the job market and positively shapes the course of their future for generations to come.

Second, women are making strides in the college-educated workforce. Women now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce at 51% (of those 25 years and older), according to a Current Population Survey. With females surpassing men in higher education enrollment, this is likely to continue to increase in the coming years.

However, we can’t ignore the gender pay gap. Many factors contribute to this from discrimination to the profession one works in. Women are also more likely to have less experience due to having children and working fewer hours to care for them.

One reason for the gender pay gap is men choosing to work in higher-paying fields, such as in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). A Harvard Business Review study found that high-paying roles in tech and engineering are male-dominated. Where women-dominated fields, such as social sciences and liberal arts, often offer lower wages.

Yet, the number of women in STEM continues to increase. In 1970, women only held 8% of STEM jobs, but that has increased to 35% in 2021. In 2017, for the first time, the majority of medical students were women. And, women now make up over 77% of the health care and social assistance industry, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

To fight against pay discrepancies, educational institutions are playing a critical role in encouraging females to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Finally, women leaders with higher degrees are paving the way for others. Higher education is imperative for women to advance in their careers. Study.eu found that 98% of the world’s most powerful CEOs held at least a bachelor’s degree, with more than half having earned advanced degrees.

For women to continue to advance up the career ladder, they often need at least a bachelor’s degree, if not a master’s degree. Currently, 10.4% of Fortune 500 CEOs in the United States are women — with a quarter of them becoming leaders in the last year.

In the higher education sector, just over 30% of college presidents are women, according to an American Council Education survey in 2023.

Higher education is helping forge new paths for women in upper-level leadership. As women continue to pursue higher education degrees, more opportunities for advancement open for them. And, when they lead, they bring more women with them.

Although some areas in our nation’s workforce have seen slow strides forward, higher education has been an integral part of their journey moving forward.

This Women’s History Month, let us recognize the many achievements of women who have pursued further education. And, champion those currently enrolled in higher education.

Their journeys haven’t been easy, and many have been with great resistance. But they are an inspiration for future generations of dreamers as they forge new paths for those who follow in their footsteps.

Dr. Kent Ingle serves as the president of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, one of the fastest growing private universities in the nation. A champion of innovative educational design, Ingle is the author of "Framework Leadership.'' Read Kent Ingle's Reports — More Here.

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March is Women's History Month. For 31 days, we recognize the extraordinary women who made their mark on history and inspired future generations of world-changers.
womens history
Tuesday, 12 March 2024 02:46 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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