American politics have stopped, frozen by the indictment of Trump for no good reason and the deterioration of Joe Biden.
In theory, this week should have been when the nominating process in each party heated up as candidates took to the runway to launch their campaigns.
But there was zero energy for them.
Trump took away all the air Gov. DeSantis, R-Fla., MikePence, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, and the others needed.
Right now, in the Republican Party there is room for only two viewpoints: That Trump is guilty or that he is innocent.
DeSantis et al can’t split the difference and say "Trump is the innocent victim of the deep state and is being persecuted by the Democrats but I’m running against him anyway."
This means there is no place for Trump’s GOP opponents to stand.
And in the Democratic nominating process, all the possible candidates: Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.; Hillary Clinton, and current U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will all have to swear that they simply love the emperor’s new clothes.
No one can step out and say that he doesn’t have any.
Anyone who dares speak these words will be cast out and be doomed.
Its not so much that the party will punish their apostasy but that they will be politically excommunicated, isolated, condemned, and declared anathema.
Each of these Democrats should muster their courage and step out to challenge Biden but none of them dare,
And they all have to ignore the one guy who actually says that the Emperor has no clothes: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
So all remains frozen.
Trump is en route to winning the nomination and Biden is en route to losing the election.
None needed.
Donald Trump will win.
Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.