Expect Trump Landslide Like Reagan in 1980

George Bush and Ronald Reagan on July 14, 1980 at the opening session of the Republican National Convention in Detroit, Michigan. (AFP via Getty Images)

By Monday, 07 October 2024 08:54 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)

If, in October of 1980, you had predicted that Ronald Reagan would defeat incumbent president Jimmy Carter in a landslide, you would have been met with the same derision I encounter in saying that Trump will decisively defeat Kamala Harris.
But despite polling that showed a very close race back then — on October 24, 1980, Gallup had Carter leading Reagan 45-42 — Reagan won in a landslide. He beat Carter by 50-41 in the popular vote and 489-40 in the Electoral College.
Landslides take time to build and they are by no means evident weeks before an election.
And so it is with Trump v. Harris.
While the polls suggest a close race, the underlying data raises the possibility of a landslide. Trump wins all the issues. He is seen as better on the economy, immigration, inflation, crime and foreign affairs.
Even abortion, Harris’ strong suit, has been muted and muddled lately by Trump’s pledge to veto an abortion ban and by Melania’s courageous defense of “individual freedom” for American women.
Elon Musk’s ringing endorsement of free speech, after he was kicked out of Brazil for exercising it, injects a new issue into the campaign. Hillary Clinton warns that we “would lose control” if we permit unbridled free speech online.
The Democrats' low tolerance for disagreement with their party line and their advocacy (and practice) of speech suppression makes the issue a natural one for Trump. Assuming he is now free of gag orders imposed by Democratic courts, he can now pound the free speech issue and make the election a referendum on the First Amendment.
Add these new issues to Biden’s and Harris’ neglect of Hurricane Helene’s victims and their arrogant offer of $750 to families who have lost everything, and you have a Marie Antoinette moment ("Let them eat cake") shaping up in November.
With a hot war between Israel and Iran during which the Biden-Harris administration will have to defend their lifting of oil sanctions on Iran — enabling Teheran’s support of terrorism, and the most logical conclusion is a massive Trump victory.
And that is my prediction.

Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.

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Landslides take time to build and they are by no means evident weeks before an election. And so it is with Trump v. Harris.
donald trump, ronald reagan, election 2024
Monday, 07 October 2024 08:54 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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