This election was supposed to be a slam dunk for Democrats, and frankly they fell flat on their face. The American left may get the presidency, but should be very embarrassed.
This election was such an opportunity to grant immense power to Leftists.
For the past four years the media has done nothing but blast negative news stories about Trump while protecting Biden from an alleged history of corruption, the Democratic-led House of Representatives investigated any sleazy allegation they could find on Trump, Big Tech went full-blown Marxist and silenced conservatives, and like cheap, made-in-China fireworks, Beijing sent COVID-19 out globally, blowing up Donald Trump’s greatest prize — the economy.
It doesn’t get any easier than this, folks.
The Libs had such beautiful dreams of Biden winning with super-majorities in the House and Senate. Government-run healthcare, no more cops, no more military, 99% tax rates, abortions until the 30th trimester, all drugs legalized, and many other fun Leftist dreams finally realized.
But then the people of this country voted and within hours the Senate wasn’t flipping, the House added Republicans, and Democrats were just praying Joe Biden would win.
Washington should have learned a lot about the people it represents this week.
We are a right-of-center country.
Americans want to work for a living, keep what we earn, and be left alone.
The American people won’t be shamed for working hard and making more money than some. Americans want our nearly useless government small. Americans don’t like coastal elitists telling us how we should think, and shaming us for our political and religious beliefs.
Now, I’m going to say something crazy. The smartest thing Democrats did this year was put Biden in the hot seat and flip his switch to moderate.
Whoever decided that should be awarded their own office and private bathroom.
Joe Biden is a horrible candidate, but had the Dems run any of the candidates they wanted to run, i.e. Warren or Harris, it would’ve been a slaughter.
However most of the Democratic party isn’t this smart.
In fact, it’s a party comprised mostly of idiots.
One of the smart ones, Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., reinforced the lessons learned last week on a Democratic caucus phone call when she scolded her party over its direction. Spanberger said "defund the police" nearly cost her re-election, and told party members to never utter the word "socialism" again.
Most of Spanberger’s party have completely lost touch with reality and their constituency.
They’ve turned violent criminals who are killed by police while resisting arrest into heroes.
Does anyone actually think blue collar hard-working democrats in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona want to hear that kind of nonsense? Do normal Americans think we should be inviting illegal immigrants into this country? Do Americans want to give up their company health insurance for a system that makes you wait weeks to see a doctor?
Of course not.
No matter how crazy the Democrats think President Trump behaves, the Democrat’s recent ideals are even crazier. This election showed us all that we are a right-of-center country.
This isn’t a gender studies class at NYU, this is real life in the United States, act accordingly.
Rob Schmitt joined Newsmax in September 2020 to host the 10pm show. Rob has worked at nearly every major news network throughout his career including NBC, CBS, two ABC affiliates and most recently as the 5am anchor at Fox News Channel. Rob’s experience working in media and in multiple large news markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami give him a unique perspective for opinion writing. Read Rob Schmitt's Reports — More Here.