Time has passed all too quickly. In late 2020, when there was still excitement in the air about the election, I, a Jew, the descendant of eons of Jews, did not even think that my daily life would be largely run with ominous music playing all day and all night in my head.
Nor that when I went to the doctors (mostly, but not all, Jewish), they would speak of little else but dangerous antisemitism playing out among their patients.
I am lucky to live in a neighborhood that is largely, though not entirely, Jewish. I emphasize the word "lucky" because there have been a number of antisemitic incidents, such as spray-painting swastikas on walls and doors. These are not internet rumors. I have seen them.
This neighborhood, Beverly Hills, California, has a superb police department. Its HQ is less than two blocks from our home. When I have called them, which is rare, they are here in fewer than two minutes. We also have private security roaming through the neighborhood all day and all night.
But, there is fear in the air. On Oct. 7, the Hamas terrorists attacked a young persons' "peace festival" near the border of Israel and Gaza.
In the middle of the night and the early morning, the terrorists murdered over 1,200 Jewish civilians — women, men, elderly, ill, disabled. They tortured many women to death. They raped them over and over and killed many by blowtorches to their genitals.
They took hundreds of hostages into their horror tunnels deep underground, built largely with unlimited funds from the Arab oil states.
By now, they have killed almost all, if not all, of the hostages.
Israel responded with severe military action against Hamas. But Hamas hid its weapons inside "schools" and "hospitals." They then blamed Israel for "civilian" deaths. The figures were all fiction, as has been proved by statisticians and even persons within Gaza.
The world responded by criticizing Israel, of course. Even the Biden administration, elected by the reliably Democrat voters, was lukewarm in its support of Israel.
Many Jewish politicos, like Sen. Chuck Schumer, have criticized Israel sharply for its defense of its citizens by its air attacks on Israel.
Even when Iran, which the State Department has repeatedly called the leading state sponsor of terrorism on Earth, attacked Israel with over 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles, President Joe Biden called on Israel not to retaliate.
Can you even imagine if Cuba did that to the U.S.? Or if Iran did? When Adolf Hitler bombed Britain with thousands of attacks, Winston Churchill did not call for restraint.
Even in the closing weeks of World War II, Churchill demanded the firebombing of Dresden and got it, killing about 100,000 civilians. He did not suggest "restraint."
But the Jewish state is different. When it defends itself, the whole world, even Western Europe, calls it "genocide." Yes, the antisemitic instinct runs so deep that even at my alma mater, Columbia, students and outsiders rant and call for killing the Jews. This is absolutely clear-cut incitement to murder. But the demonstrators are arrested on trivial misdemeanors. They are then immediately released.
My close friend Judah sums it up well: "It's as if we went to sleep last night in America and awakened in 1938 Germany."
Thank you, Mr. Biden. Thank you for Democrat Jewhaters in city governments around the nation. This would not have happened if Donald Trump were president. Even as it's happening, the America of the Constitution is disappearing in the Democrat coup d’Ć©tat in the courts of the nation.
How I miss Richard Nixon, the best friend the Jewish people have ever had. The man who kept Israel alive. The greatest of presidents.
He kept fear away. Now, another savior of Israel, Trump, is not able to help. God help us.
Ben Stein is a writer, an actor, and a lawyer who served as a speechwriter in the Nixon administration as the Watergate scandal unfolded. He began his unlikely road to stardom when director John Hughes hired him as the numbingly dull economics teacher in the urban comedy, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." His latest book is, "The Peacemaker Nixon: The Man, President, and My Friend." Read more more reports from Ben Stein — Click Here Now.
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