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Left Still Whines as Trump Keeps Winning

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Bill Donohue By Tuesday, 04 March 2025 01:46 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Some individuals are their own worst enemy. Some will admit that they shouldn’t be taking drugs, while others confess that they eat, drink, smoke and spend too much. But they continue anyway. And then they die.

The same is true of political collectivities. After being badly beaten in the November election, many of the losers are digging their heels in, apparently learning nothing. They have already succeeded in rendering liberalism intellectually bankrupt, and now they are well on their way to destroying the Democratic Party.

The following is a random selection of news stories that were recently published.

Two-thirds of Israelis support President Trump’s plan to take over Gaza. But American Jews, who voted overwhelmingly against Trump, are a bit more divided.

Some of those who don’t support the Trump plan, which is being promoted by the Israeli government, are not content to disagree — they are demonizing Trump. A column in the Jewish Forward compares the relocation plan to the Nazis. A full-page ad in The New York Times, signed by hundreds of rabbis — accuses Trump of "ethnic cleansing."

It is striking that those who are closest to current conditions in Israel are applauding Trump, while those who are wholly unaffected are comparing him to Hitler.

One of the top issues driving Trump’s mandate was immigration. The public wants the illegals out. But in many cities run by the Democrats, they are resisting cooperation with ICE. Even the Dallas chief of police wants illegal aliens to stay; he has pledged not to cooperate with the ICE deportation plan.

The most vociferous resistance to Trump’s agenda is coming from the sexually confused, the mentally challenged, and their supporters. These people falsely believe that males who identify as female are, ipso facto, female.

They not only find it acceptable for males to compete against females in sports, and to share locker rooms with them, some even defend the distribution of pornography to children in the schools.

Regarding the latter, parents in a school district in Rochester, New York, objected to putting a book on display in the library that showed homosexuals in bondage gear, drag queens, and naked men and women. It was accessed by a fifth grader and is readily available to kindergarten students.

The school board wouldn’t even allow parents to speak about this at a recent meeting, even though it is a modern-day expression of child abuse.

Every sane person knows there are only two sexes — male and female — but when a Trump order acknowledged this verity on the website of the Department of Health and Human Services, a federal judge intervened and assumed control.

Another federal judge accused the Trump administration of showing an animus against transgender persons. Why? Because of an executive order that bars these persons from serving in the military.

A top school official in Maine wants boys to compete with girls, and to shower with them, which is why he objected to Trump’s executive order to "keep men out of women’s sports."

Not to be outdone, the City Council in Worcester, Massachusetts, voted to declare the city a sanctuary city for "transgender and gender-diverse people." It also compared the Trump administration to the Nazis.

Harvard Medical School is so upset with Trump’s cutbacks that it is recommending students comfort themselves by attending "pet-therapy sessions," programs that allow attendees to "pet and play." They even offer six therapy animals to play with, including "Hermie the therapy guinea pig."

This is how we are preparing tomorrow’s elite fleet of doctors. Imagine if they freak out while doing heart surgery? Will they give Henry the Hamster a hug? Why not just grow up and get a stiff drink?

Who is supporting this madness? Democrats.

A Gallup poll of Democrats found that half (49%) of self-identified Democrats consider themselves to be liberal and that 45% of them want their Party to become more liberal; 22%want it to stay the same. Which means that more than 7-in-10 have learned nothing.

Some people never learn. What is really perverse about this is that the dumbest among them are also the ones who have stayed in school the longest, people who are typically — but erroneously — considered to be well-educated.

Dr. Bill Donohue is president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. A former Heritage Foundation Bradley resident scholar, he's authored 11 books on civil liberties, social issues, and religion. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from New York University. His new book, "Cultural Meltdown: The Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis," was released in June, 2024. Read Bill Donohue's Reports — More Here.

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Some individuals are their own worst enemy. Some will admit that they shouldn't be taking drugs, while others confess that they eat, drink, smoke and spend too much. But they continue anyway. And then they die. The same is true of political collectivities.
donald trump, liberals
Tuesday, 04 March 2025 01:46 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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