Stem Cell Therapy Heals Cornea, Restores Vision
Sight-robbing injuries to the cornea can be repaired using a groundbreaking experimental stem cell treatment, a new study shows. The cornea - the clear outermost layer of the eye - can become irreversibly damaged if injury or disease destroys its ability to regenerate new...
Study: Aspirin May Prevent Spread of Cancer
British researchers have found that the strategic use of aspirin may prevent the spread of certain cancers. This discovery backs up previous studies that showed that people taking daily low-dose aspirin are less likely to have breast, bowel and prostate cancers spread to...
Study: Men With Stronger Sperm May Live Longer
Men with strong, fast-swimming sperm may not only have better fertility but also longer lives, a new study suggests. Researchers tracked more than 78,000 men over 50 years and found that those with higher sperm motility - the ability of sperm to swim - lived nearly three...
Weight Training Best Exercise For Seniors' Insomnia
Seniors battling insomnia are best off picking up some dumbbells or doing some push-ups, a new evidence review suggests. Resistance exercise, activities that make muscles work against an external force, appears to be the best means of improving sleep in older adults,...
NSAIDs Linked to Lower Dementia Risk
Over-the-counter drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen might help protect against dementia, a new study suggests. These NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) might help protect the brain by quelling inflammation that contributes to dementia, researchers reported in the...
Study: Friday Surgery Ups Complications, Death Risk
Folks facing surgery on a Friday may want to consider rescheduling if they can based on findings from a new study. People who undergo surgery just before the weekend have a significantly increased risk of death and complications, researchers reported March 4 in JAMA Network...
Why Sleep Gets Harder With Age
Tossing and turning more as you age? You're not alone - and experts think they know why. Dr. Shelby Harris, a sleep psychologist in White Plains, N.Y., explained that stress, sleep structure and hormonal changes can impact sleep as people age. "As we start to move into our...
Seniors Overlooked By Suicide Prevention Programs
Suicide prevention campaigns are overlooking seniors, even though people 75 and older have the highest rates of suicide for any age group, a new study says. None of the seven most prominent suicide prevention programs include any messaging aimed at at-risk seniors on their...
Instagram, TikTok Feature Misleading Medical Info
Heard the latest on social media about testosterone testing, full-body MRI scans, "egg timer" female fertility tests or gut microbiome analysis? If so, you've more than likely been exposed to misinformation, a new study suggests. Analysis of nearly 1,000 Instagram and TikTok...
Psychedelic Use May Double Risk for Early Death
People who land in the ER after using hallucinogens are more than twice as likely to die in a handful of years, a new study says. Psychedelics users treated at a hospital are 2.6 times more likely than average folks to die from any cause within five years, researchers...
COVID Hospitalization Raises Death Risk for 2 Years
People hospitalized for a severe bout of COVID-19 are far from in the clear after they've recovered enough to return home, a new study says. COVID hospital patients have an increased risk of death from any cause for at least two and a half years following their initial...
Poor Sleep Raises Early Death Risk By 29 Percent
About two-thirds of Americans are getting too little or too much sleep, risking their health, a new study suggests. In fact, people not getting the right amount of sleep - seven to nine hours a night - had a 29% increased risk of premature death from any cause, researchers...
Half of Women Have Menopause Symptoms Before 35
Many young women entering menopause suffer needlessly from symptoms related to the transition, a new study suggests. More than half of women aged 30 to 35 have already developed moderate to severe symptoms of impending menopause, researchers found.These include mood swings,...
Extreme Heat Might Accelerate Aging in Seniors
Exposure to extreme heat might accelerate aging in older adults, with sizzling weather causing them to fade faster, a new study suggests. People living in neighborhoods with more days of high heat experience greater biological aging on average than people living in cooler...
Just One Sleepless Night Damages Immune System
A new study found significant changes in the body's immune system after just one night without sleep. The discovery, by researchers in Kuwait, highlights the critical importance of sleep for maintaining a robust immune system and preventing long-term health...
A Suicide Death Occurs Every 43 Seconds Worldwide
A person dies by suicide once every 43 seconds, and it's more than likely a man, according to a new global assessment of suicide risk. Men die from suicide at twice the rate of women, and their attempts result in death three times more often, researchers reported in a study...
Fruit, Veggies May Counteract Harmful Microplastics
A promising new study found that eating lots of fruit and vegetables that are naturally high in antioxidants may lessen the harmful effects of microplastics. Researchers with the Finland-China Food and Health Network published their findings on how anthocyanins, a type of...
Heart Disease Remains Leading Cause of US Deaths
The American Heart Association (AHA) says that more than 940,000 Americans died of cardiovascular causes in 2022, making it the leading cause of death in this country. The AHA's latest statistical report shows that cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounted for 941,652 deaths in...
Exercise Helps Colon Cancer Survivors Live Longer
Frequent exercise can help colon cancer survivors live longer, perhaps even outlasting average folks, a new study suggests. Colon cancer patients who were very physically active had three-year survival rates that were slightly higher than the general population, researchers...
Adding Walking Exercises Improves Stroke Recovery
Stroke patients leave the hospital with better prospects if they're forced to hoof it more during recovery, a new study suggests. Adding a half-hour of progressive walking exercises to standard stroke rehab measurably improves patients' quality of life and mobility by the...
How Space Travel Affects Astronaut Health
The human body was not built for spaceflight, with its microgravity conditions, exposure to high-energy radiation and other issues. As a result, trekking beyond the Earth's confines causes many physiological changes that affect an astronaut's health. Here is an explanation...
6 Science-Backed Ways to Be Happier
The pursuit of happiness is a universal endeavor that transcends cultures, ages, and backgrounds. Research has found that happier individuals tend to live longer, exhibit stronger immune systems, and maintain more meaningful connections with others. Many people would say a...
Unhealthy Diet Increases Risk for Incontinence
A junk-food lifestyle might contribute to embarrassing little leaks in middle-aged women, a new study suggests. Women who often munch fast food or packaged eats appear more likely to develop urinary incontinence, researchers recently reported in the journal Women's...
How Worrying is the Pope's Double Pneumonia?
Vatican officials said late Tuesday that Pope Francis had developed pneumonia in both lungs, further complicating the pontiff's recovery. The 88-year-old pope was hospitalized Friday after a weeklong bout of bronchitis worsened. On Monday, doctors said he had developed a...
How to Get an Adult Autism Diagnosis
Natasha Nelson, a 35-year old entrepreneur in Stone Mountain, Georgia, didn't have an innate sense of social norms. She didn't know why people meeting for the first time would choose to engage in small talk instead of deep conversations, or why people like to make their...