Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated during the winter can be a challenge. Our skin can become dry and cracked during the winter months due to the colder temperatures and lack of moisture in the air.
With the cold air outside and the warm air inside, we can experience up to 25% of water loss through the skin, which can make it cracked and uncomfortable.
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And dry, scaly, cracked skin makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to enter your body, potentially increasing your risk of infection.
Dermatologists at UC Davis Health have come up with timely tips to keep your winter skin moisturized. Here are some ways to protect your skin and keep it smooth:
• Lock in the moisture. Use cream instead of lotion on the entire body to act as a barrier. Avoid creams that contain fragrance or preservatives because they can irritate delicate skin. Limit the use of retinol creams to a few nights a week to prevent the product from drying out your skin.
• Invest in a home humidifier to maximize moisture. According to Everyday Health, using a humidifier in your home or office helps keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.
• Lower water temperature for showers and washing your hands. Warming up by taking a long, steamy shower may sound like a great idea when it’s cold and blustery, but very hot water can dry out the skin, says Dr. Marie Hayag, a dermatologist in New York City. A 5- to 10-minute warm shower (or bath) is less likely to worsen dry skin than a hot one, suggests the American Academy of Dermatology. A good rule of thumb: If the water causes your skin to turn red, it’s too hot. You should also avoid using excessively hot water to wash your hands.
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• Use a moisturizer that’s thicker than usual. In the winter, it’s important to use moisturizers that come in jars, rather than thinner lotions from pump bottles that’s more suitable for warmer months. You can even use good old-fashioned petroleum jelly to protect dry, cracked skin. Don’t forget to apply additional cream at night to lock in moisture.
• Use gentle soap when washing hands, if possible. You can use an anti-bacterial soap and gel in public settings, but a gentler, scent-free, and alcohol-free soap is better for your skin while at home. Make sure you moisturize every time you wash your hands, say the experts at UC Davis.
• Wear sunscreen. UV rays can penetrate clouds so wearing sunscreen even in the darker, winter months, is highly recommended to prevent skin damage, skin cancer and premature aging. And the sun’s rays can reflect of snow, making it stronger. Use a product with SPF 30 or higher and apply after you’ve moisturized your skin.
• Stay hydrated. It may be possible to moisturize your skin from the inside out. “Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, like water, is one of the best things you can do through diet to avoid dryness,” says Dr. Nassain Wesley, a California-based dermatologist. One small study found that people with low water intake were able to positively impact their skin hydration by drinking more water. Your diet may play a role as well. “Avoiding processed foods and sugars and eating whole foods that are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids will keep the body and skin healthy,” Wesley says.
Lynn C. Allison ✉
Lynn C. Allison, a Newsmax health reporter, is an award-winning medical journalist and author of more than 30 self-help books.
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