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Callista Gingrich - Peace, Freedom, and Human Dignity

Callista Gingrich

Jul 2, 2024
Millennial Saint an Example, Inspiration for All
As Blessed Carlo Acutis is about to become the first millennial saint, let us look to him as an example of how to live a life of faith, compassion, and holiness in the modern world.

Jun 3, 2024
Children Renew Our Hope for Peaceful Future
Pope Francis told the crowd, “In you, children, everything speaks of life and of the future,” and encouraged them to “go ahead with joy.”

May 21, 2024
A Guiding Light for the Class of 2024
In recent weeks, students have gathered with family and friends at colleges and universities across the nation to celebrate their graduations. For many 2024 graduates, this was their first commencement ceremony, due to COVID-19 shuttering their high school graduations.

May 6, 2024
Can We Restore Order, Reason, and Learning on Campuses?
Unfortunately for students today, numerous professors at Columbia and other universities are not fostering the type of dialogue and encouraging the sort of critical thinking essential for institutions of higher education. Order, reason, and learning must be restored.

Apr 16, 2024
Caitlin Clark Just Getting Started Inspiring America
As Clark embarks on the next chapter of her career with the 2024 WNBA draft, where she was to No. 1 pick by the Indiana Fever, she leaves Iowa without a championship ring but with her head held high.

Apr 11, 2024
Time to Pass the Kids Online Safety Act
First introduced more than two years ago by Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) will give parents the tools they need to protect their kids from online harms.

Mar 26, 2024
Unwavering Faith, Service All About 'Cabrini'
On International Women's Day, March 8, Angel Studios' latest film, Cabrini, was released in theaters across America. The movie tells the incredible true story of the first American saint, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, and her mission to help vulnerable, impoverished, and...

Mar 25, 2024
Restoring Peace, Stability in Haiti Mandates Global Effort
Amid recent developments, it's unclear what the governance of Haiti will look like and how it will impact the future of the Caribbean nation. As gang violence and chaos continue to wreak havoc, the global community must work to bring peace and stability to Haiti. 

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