Jan 26, 2024
It is only through science that the core, age-old seed of ceaseless human hostilities, limited resources for a planetary population perpetually increasing, can be uprooted and forever quashed.
Jan 5, 2023
There are more than a few dangerous sports in which people lose their lives every year. Mountain climbing, race car driving, hang gliding and a great many other sporting and recreational endeavors can be fatal attractions, at least to some degree. Football is no different;...
Aug 22, 2022
The details of the past certainly are forever subject to debate but basic fairness and objectivity should insist that heroes such as Davy Crockett, King Leonidas or Eleazar Ben-Yair who gave their lives for what they believed shouldn’t be reinvented by advocates
Jan 26, 2022
There is nothing to take the place of an excellent set of parents to assure the superlative success of children.
Jul 13, 2021
In 1996 Kennewick man was unearthed in Washington State. This remarkably complete ancient skeleton, instead of thrilling the public and scientific community, almost immediately was converted into an inflammatory political litmus test.
Jan 20, 2021
This purported substance is said to make up a vast bulk of the cosmos but can't be seen, smelled, heard, tasted or felt.
Oct 22, 2020
A "record-level" ozone hole formed over the Arctic in February and March of 2020 , three times the size of Greenland , and then simply closed up and disappeared last April.
Sep 15, 2020
There are currently 18,000 desalination plants worldwide which use a technique called "reverse osmosis" to convert saltwater to potable water.