Jun 5, 2023
One concern might be the still un-resolved banking-credit crisis in part due to the fact that the value of their Treasury and mortgage holdings have drastically decreased, eroding their bank assets.
May 24, 2023
A more sinister use of AI is to modify or distort photos and videos for propaganda or political purposes. Or, it could create a brand new personality, background and all.
Jan 18, 2023
The second law of thermodynamics says essentially that you can’t create new energy from used energy, or out of nothing.
Jan 4, 2023
I only expect a real increase of our Gross National Product (GNP) during 2023 of only 3% Judging by the recent past and accounting for Congress’ spending binge, I expect another 2.7 trillion dollars in U.S. debt.
Dec 14, 2022
What will be the result of all this panic stricken expansionism? Certainly an oversupply of semiconductors two years from now.
Dec 2, 2022
Energy can't be destroyed but continuously changes into a less useful version. If we substitute money for energy, we find a similar process, that is the buying power of the dollar constantly diminishes.
Oct 31, 2022
In the year 399 B.C., the famous Greek philosopher Socrates stood before a jury to defend himself against accusations that he refused to recognize the official state religion and to corrupt youth ...
Oct 13, 2022
The recent sabotage of the Nord 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany crowned a remarkable geo-political victory for the United States.You may ask, who sabotaged the pipeline? In order to answer this question, any good detective wants' answers : who had a trained underwater...