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John Gizzi on Politics

John Gizzi

Jul 3, 2024
Remembering Fmr GOP Rep. Jim Johnson: A Moderate Conservatives Truly Liked
Although former Rep. Jim Johnson, R-Colo., died last November at age 93, it was last week that recollections of the moderate Republican who represented Colorado's 4th District from 1972-80 began to return to fellow Republicans as well as political reporters who covered him.

Jul 2, 2024
Controversial Indiana GOP Lt. Gov. Nominee Seeks To Unite
Less than a month after Micah Beckwith came out of nowhere to win the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor of Indiana, he is still a major news item and a hot topic of discussion in both major parties.

Jul 1, 2024
How Nationalists Made Giant First Step in France
Political prognosticators are still reeling after the big leap forward by nationalist conservatives in the first stage of France's parliamentary elections.

Jun 30, 2024
What a Nationalist Govt Will Do Under France's Bardella
In less than 24 hours, French voters will take a step in electing a new parliament that, with each day, appears more than likely to be run by the nationalist RN (Rassemblement National) headed by three-term presidential candidate Marine LePen.

Jun 28, 2024
Historians, Debate Experts Second Talk Biden May Go
Hours after the first debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, both historians and seasoned experts on debates were in near-unanimous agreement when they spoke to Newsmax: it was a terrible night for Biden

Jun 26, 2024
How Rep. Boebert Won GOP Primary in Colorado's 4th District
From drawing controversy for public behavior that included vaping while in the audience of the musical "Beetlejuice," to the pre-primary arrest of her son, and running in a new district, Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., still handily won the Republican nomination for a third term.

Jun 25, 2024
An Incredible Political Saga Still Remembered 50 Years Later
It's hard to believe how things were before big money came to permeate political campaigns at all levels. Before high-tech messaging became a fixture in electioneering, and more than a generation before campaigns were run on laptops out of sequestered offices, major...

Jun 19, 2024
Intel Chair Warner: Russia Will Meddle in UK Elections
Barely two weeks before British voters go to the polls, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., predicted Tuesday that their general election would be the site of major Russian interference.

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