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Michael Dorstewitz - Firing Range

Michael Dorstewitz

Jul 5, 2024
Judicial Watch: What's State Dept. Doing to Free U.S. Hostages?
For a half-century the official U.S. response to the kidnapping or arrest of Americans traveling abroad has been a refusal to negotiate. The thinking at the time was that negotiation would only encourage more hostage-taking.

Jul 3, 2024
Left Can't Dispute the Message, So They Shoot the Messenger
The goal of any news organization should be the free flow of information in defense of the First Amendment, no matter their editorial stance. Otherwise, the state becomes the final arbiter of the truth. We see that happening every day.

Jul 1, 2024
Supreme Court Defangs Gov't Overreach
There have also been a flurry of new regulations coming from the administrative state over climate change concerns. But do they implement existing federal law? Are they an over-interpretation of existing law? Or do they amount to wholly new law?

Jun 28, 2024
High Court Takes Timid Stance on Free Speech
Novelist George Orwell once observed that "The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."

Jun 26, 2024
Feds Still Blaming the Gun, Not the Gunman
A parable-like meme illustrates the consequences of disarming law-abiding citizens. In it a wolf attacked a herd of sheep, killing one. The surviving sheep noticed that the wolf used his teeth to kill, so they agreed to remove each other’s teeth. That’s Biden’s idea of gun control.

Jun 24, 2024
What Democrats Fear Most About a Second Trump Term
Democrats are concerned by nine Supreme Court justices that head a separate and co-equal branch of government? Give me a break. They just want to replace the court’s two most conservative members with two of their own.

Jun 21, 2024
2-Tier Justice, Lawfare, Just the Tip of the Biden DOJ Iceberg
Federal officials fear nothing and remain content, even with the knowledge that the hold the moral low ground and their weak, corrupt president holds the reins of power.

Jun 19, 2024
Biden Gun Export Reg Violates Free Trade, Skirts Congress
Last Friday the Supreme Court spanked the ATF’s approval of another gun-related rule , this one established during the Trump administration. What’s proper for Trump should also be good for Biden.

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