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Stephen Moore - Economic Realities

Stephen Moore

Jul 2, 2024
Climate Fanatics Declare War on Livestock
Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they may not be available much longer. That's because the climate fanatics have declared war on livestock.

Jun 27, 2024
Climate Change Goes to Court; Will Fossil Fuels Lose?
Things aren't going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, the world and America used more fossil fuels than ever before in history last year.

Jun 18, 2024
Nation Still at Risk Because No One Grades Teachers
School's out for the summer, so now it is time to examine the state of our education system.By any objective measure, our school performance is fair or poor for most children. Math scores hit a 20-year low. ACT scores dropped to a 30-year low last year. In dozens of schools...

Jun 4, 2024
Hey Joe: Where Are All the EV Charging Stations?
Here's another mystery. Why can't Pete give us an exact count on the progress when the number is small enough to use his fingers? At this pace, they may get 500 built by 2030 , not the 500,000 promised.

May 28, 2024
5 Good Reasons to Make Trump Tax Cut Permanent
No issue defines the diametrically opposite economic philosophies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump than their position on the Trump tax cuts. Trump wants to make those tax cuts permanent; Biden has repeatedly promised to tax America back to prosperity.

May 22, 2024
Don't Tolerate Money Manager Politics With Your Pension
Are you paying attention to what the money managers who you've entrusted with your lifetime savings are actually doing with your money? Are they investing to get the best possible return they can? Or are they injecting their own political biases into the way your money is invested?

May 14, 2024
Biden 2.0: Be Afraid, Very Afraid
Could American businesses and families survive getting smashed by these gale-force winds of another Bidenomics hurricane in 2025 without capsizing the ship of state? I wouldn't bet on it.

May 8, 2024
Biden Revives the 1970s
Everything that is happening in our fractured nation today seems so worrisomely reminiscent of America's last lost decade - the 1970s.

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