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Trump's Day 1 Will Be to Right-side Nation, Not for Revenge

donald trump sitting and pointing
(AFP via Getty Images)

John Cylc By Monday, 28 October 2024 12:47 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

"Day 1." This term is not normally a controversial term, until the sitting vice president of the United States pinpointed January 20, 2025, as the day she will fix all of America’s problems. Kamala Harris must not realize that she has authority now as the No. 2 person in the executive branch of the government.

"Day 1" is also the day that the anti-Trump media has indicated his "revenge" will begin. This is as ridiculous as it is hypocritical since the left has been politically prosecuting the former 45th President.

What would actually happen on Inauguration Day if Trump does win? I thought I too would express my hopes for the 47th President (hopefully) Donald John Trump’s "Day 1."

Many Trump supporters, as well as some observers, believe that the January 6th "Insurrection" was, at the very least, exploited by the government to discredit and intimidate conservative Americans.

Their skepticism is fueled by the Democrats' and other officials' inexplicable and inexcusable actions: Nancy Pelosi's refusal of Donald Trump's offer for additional National Guardsmen; the FBI's numerous operatives seemingly instigating the crowd; Capitol security personnel opening doors and escorting many protestors inside; and the destruction or sealing of significant evidence from the House's January 6 hearings.

For all these reasons, his first act should be to pardon and release all federal January 6th prisoners. They should also receive some sort of reparations for unlawful prosecution and imprisonment.

Secondly, we need to re-establish "freedom" as the chief export of the United States. It should not be homosexuality or transgenderism, nor should it be the suppression of free speech that the current administration pushes.

Using "disinformation" as a pretext for media and social media censorship, our country encourages its allies to do the same. That must stop immediately. Take down the rainbow flags and start rewarding true democracies, while engaging with a stern hand those that are overbearing toward their people.

Although the first two choices are symbolically important, the third act is possibly the most important thing Trump can do to protect our republic. Our country, through leftist state policy, has corrupted our electoral system.

They refuse to purge their voter rolls. Some states automatically register anyone who gets a drivers license, even if their state allows illegal immigrants to get them.

Some states ban asking for lawful identification for voters. Some ban asking a voter to prove American citizenship. Many states allow ballot harvesting and mail in ballots with no signature verification.

We need a formidable team of constitutional lawyers to directly challenge many of these state laws in our judicial system. Until only American citizens are voting, just one time each, elections will always be uncertain at best, illegitimate and rigged at worst.

Making the electoral system truly legitimate should be a focus for all conservative voters and officials at every level of government.

Next, Trump needs to have a team ready to run the intelligence agencies because all the executives need to be replaced with intelligence employees who are loyal not to the Democratic Party, but to the country and Constitution.

All previous members of that community, especially those who have become "talking heads" on TV shows need to have their clearances revoked immediately. Any who have been promoting falsehoods and lies to the American people should be prosecuted.

The same thing should apply to military leadership. Traitors, insubordinates and woke members need to be removed immediately.

There are many field-grade officers who are loyal to their oaths that can assume leadership roles and root out those who need removal. In some instances, where high-level officers have betrayed their office or country, prison and/or loss of retirement would be deserved.

DEI loyalists and men in dresses should never lead troops, write standards, or enforce regulations.

Lastly, I think a summit should be set with Russian President Vladimir Putin to settle the Ukraine matter. It would be a solid opportunity to assure him that we will not be pushing NATO into his backyard.

A warmer relationship with another major government would certainly help combat China’s aggressive actions and growth.

There are many major issues in the world today, but until we set our own house in order, we cannot begin to address them. A victory in the 2024 Election by Donald Trump would set us on that path, but the timing of it would depend on the left’s actions after a loss by Kamala Harris.

Should they cause the civil unrest like they did in 2015 after Trump's win, DJT’s first important actions may need to just be to survive. After all, Democrats have a history of violence when they do not get their way.

My Day 1 wish is that President Trump can make it to Day 2 and survive all the way to Day 1,161.

John Cylc is an eight-year U.S. Army veteran focused on conservatism, gun rights and other contemporary topics. Mr. Cylc is the founder and editor of and can be found on Twitter- @The2ndA. A Philadelphia native, he currently resides with his wife and youngest son in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful East Tennessee. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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"Day 1" is also the day that the anti-Trump media has indicated his "revenge" will begin. This is as ridiculous as it is hypocritical since the left has been politically prosecuting the former 45th President.
donald trump, 2024 elections
Monday, 28 October 2024 12:47 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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