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Tags: globalism | donald trump | putin | democrats | nationalism

Globalism Favors Govt's Power Over People

illustration with two playing cards showing trump as the king of diamonds and putin as the king of hearts
Democrats claim Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are from the same deck of cards. (Dreamstime)

John Cylc By Monday, 08 July 2024 09:36 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Stating that the Democrat union (liberals, leftists, socialists and communists) does not like Donald Trump is an understatement. Loathe, hate, or revile would be more appropriate descriptions.

There is one other global leader to whom they react similarly and have repeatedly linked (deceptively) to the former president — Vladimir Putin. My conclusion as to why might be something that you may not have considered.

Nationalism is defined by Webster’s dictionary as “loyalty and devotion to a nation” or “a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others…”.

Donald Trump does not hide the fact that he is a nationalist. His “Make America Great Again” slogan should give you a clue.

He and his supporters do not necessarily hate or ignore other countries. They merely wish for the success of the United States to no one’s detriment

Vladimir Putin is similarly focused on his country of Russia. He served the Soviet Union/Russia basically his whole life, so no one should be surprised that he continues that service today, as its leader.

Although nationalism is the viewpoint of both men, how they attempt to achieve their goals is completely different. Donald Trump wants to restore America to the former standing that it had as a great constitutional Republic by staying within the parameters that our laws set forth.

Putin is more in line with a nationalist like Hitler, who ignored laws (including kidnapping and assassination) to fit his goals. Mostly those actions were to consolidate power for the leader themselves, while making their country stronger also. A stronger loyal country (even a fearful one) makes the leader more powerful.

A good comparison would be two men who want to become rich. One may educate himself and work harder than others to achieve that goal. The other man may rob banks or con others out of hard-earned money. Although their goal is the same, the men are totally different based on actions and character.

I found myself thinking about why the Democratic party and their media loyalists continuously align the 45th American president with the Russian president. It has not been a one-time thing but a continuous screaming from the talking-heads mountaintop.

Although disproved, “Russian collusion!” “Russian disinformation!” and “Russian puppet!” are still a staple argument of the mainstream media. Any comparisons between the two leaders that Americans may read or hear about on the news might convince the uninformed that they are similar in character.

Meanwhile, on the main Democratic allied news outlets (MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, NPR, etc.) there is extraordinarily little mention of the Biden/China business connections (legitimate and otherwise) except on independent or conservative podcasts and news outlets.

China is unquestionably a much bigger threat to America than Russia, both militarily and (primarily) economically.

Looking at this from a viewpoint of why the Democrats ignore China made me realize why they attack Trump and Putin. It is not because they are nationalists. It is because they are anti-globalists.

Hear me out. Globalism is a strong, silent force in the world today. The World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and the United Nations are constantly pushing for programs that override borders and a country’s sovereignty.

The European Union pushed a slightly nationalist Britain to Brexit by supporting a globalist agenda. China already dominates and controls their people with a social credit score.

Neither of these oppose globalism since they are almost there already inside their own borders. The transition would be almost seamless, although China may just bide its time and then usurp the power of the “New World Order.”

Democrats have shown a willingness to yield our autonomous power to a global agenda, especially if it concerns the “climate crisis” or pandemic, even if it is proved a fake science or outright lie.

Globalism keeps the power in the hands of the few people at the top, which is exactly what the left wants in this country-control. Censoring what people say on social media, attacking people with nonmainstream beliefs using lawfare and protests, and publicly shaming anyone who will not bow down before their ideologies, is what the left does to perfection.

Globalism is in direct opposition to nationalism, especially American style, where the power exists in the individual countries and the people, not the government. Considering that Democrats, despite their claims and speeches to the contrary, want control and power (masks and vax mandates, Big Tech collusion, etc.), nationalism is their natural enemy.

That is why they disparage Trump and continuously link him to Putin. They are attempting to kill the two largest nationalist birds with one globalist stone.

John Cylc is an eight-year U.S. Army veteran focused on conservatism, gun rights and other contemporary topics. Mr. Cylc is the founder and editor of and can be found on Twitter- @The2ndA. A Philadelphia native, he currently resides with his wife and youngest son in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful East Tennessee. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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Looking at this from a viewpoint of why the Democrats ignore China made me realize why they attack Trump and Putin. It is not because they are nationalists. It is because they are anti-globalists.
globalism, donald trump, putin, democrats, nationalism
Monday, 08 July 2024 09:36 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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