According to a recently published report by the American Jewish Committee, 77% of Jews in the United States feel less safe than before the Oct.7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks.
Perhaps even more frightening, a majority of American Jews (56%) have in some way changed their behavior or hid their Jewish identity.
In a nation like the United States, with a strong population of Christians and centuries of support of Jews, this is not acceptable.
Global wickedness is becoming ever more apparent.
Yet, the Christian and Jewish people have not kept their identity for thousands of years by hiding it. Each generation has its opportunity to pass on their heritage to the next one, so they too can make their choice to accept or reject the lord of the Hebrew Bible and/or the Jesus of the New Testament.
For the Christians this stand is non-negotiable for the Good Book in Timothy 2 (Timothy 2:1) calls us to stand for the faith as a soldier, even suffering if necessary.
Frankly, that is to be expected if we are really following him.
Further, as Christians we should remember that our savior, a Jewish carpenter, never stopped being Jewish.
Jesus practiced as a Jew with his disciples and quoted from the Hebrew Bible frequently.
Unfortunately, many churches have appreciably strayed from the Jewish nature of Christianity due to their embrace of leftism and love of worldly things.
Those protesting Israel and the Jews, from the left, fail to realize that antisemites would have them killed too . . . Perhaps just a bit later.
One of the most significant sins finding it way into churches is Replacement Theology, the idea that the Church has so supplanted Israel that Israel and the Jewish people have no major place in God’s plan and that the Lord’s everlasting covenant with the Jewish people is no longer valid.
This should not be a surprise as antisemitism is one of the world’s oldest sins and crept into otherwise strong theology.
Conservative churches who otherwise preach the Bible, including some reformed churches, need to be careful of this as well as we elevate the teachings of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others.
For American Christians, we too have a covenant as this nation was dedicated to God in the Virginia Compact, the Mayflower Compact and frequently elsewhere.
John Winthrop declared, "'Others may come to the New World for wealth and furs" . . . "We have another goal, another end. We have entered into an explicit covenant with God to be His people in this New World."
America is not literally in the Bible but is in it the same way nations and all peoples, past and present, are.
God tells us what makes a righteous nation and a follower of Jesus Christ. And the Lord also explicitly states in Numbers 24:9, referring to Israel, "Blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse you."
America’s success is tied to its support of G-d’s Chosen People.
George Washington, a practicing Anglican, later Episcopalian, was very supportive of Jews in America as seen in his 1790 letters to Jewish congregations.
Churches can take several concrete steps, even beyond the list below, to make our Jewish brethren feel more welcome and demonstrate that antisemitism has no place in this great land or God’s house:
—They can have Passover meals, practicing the faith just as Jesus did.
—They can have seminars outside of Sunday morning hours explaining the importance of Israel and the Jewish people even today to God’s great plan.
—They can lead trips to Israel.
—They can display an Israeli flag in church alongside the many churches in America having American and standard Protestant Christian flags.
—Church members can display Israeli flags outside of our homes.
—Finally, but foremost, we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Christians, already weakened by centuries of bad theology, failed to adequately stand up in masse to assist the Jews in Europe during the Shoah.
We do not have let it get to that point in America for Christians to be the righteous among the nations of today.
Oftentimes, a hero is made when doing the right thing, day by day, without fanfare.
To our Jewish brothers and sisters be encouraged. Remember those of old who, in their faith, stood against pharoah and centuries later Adolf Hitler who, through evil tried, but could not defeat Israel and where the Jewish people even saw renaissance through the promised land and the state of Israel.
Remember those in your heritage who have given all mankind great science, economic theory, literature and art spawning generations of Nobel Prizes.
Remember the young among us, grandkids and great grandkids of Holocaust survivors who get tattoos to honor the legacy of generations before them who suffered even unto death, and in doing so are making a public declaration as to their identity. Remember your great G-d.
If we as Christians and Jews don't stand up now, hatred, especially antisemitism will only increase, getting worse each passing moment — quickly.
It would be great for things to be as they purportedly were in "easier times," but that is not the norm in world history or even American history.
It certainly isn't the norm for thousands of years of Christianity and Judaism.
While this is a tough time for Jews, and in many ways Christians, may we be thankful the Lord has allowed us to be born in this time in history to make an impact for a world so desperately in need of it.
We have that chance, together under the same God, to make an impact for millions yet to be born. Let's not squander it. Be not afraid for as the Rev. Jerry Falwell said, "God’s man is indestructible until He is finished with him."
Let's see it through, as Jesus did — to the end.
Views expressed in the preceding opinion column are those of the author and not any government agency.
Larry Provost has written for Townhall, Fox News, The Baltic Times and InFocus (Jewish Policy Center) and has appeared on several television outlets, including "FOX News @Night with Shannon Bream." He holds degrees from several colleges and is a veteran of the World Trade Center search and rescue, Afghanistan, and Iraq. He and his wife are adoptive parents. Read more Larry Provost reports — Here.
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