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Why One-Third of Jewish Voters Aren't Wrong

side view of kamala harris and donald trump facing each other in front of the white house

Mark Schulte By Tuesday, 10 December 2024 12:47 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

In a Newsmax article last April, I argued that Donald Trump could exceed the 30% of the Jewish vote he received in 2020, if he stopped admonishing several million Jewish Democrats to get “their heads examined.”

The article also focused on the size and potential impact of Jewish voters in the seven battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

In 2016, Trump received just 24% of the Jewish vote.

Exit polling from Fox News, The Associated Press and the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center (NORC) pegged his support among Jewish voters at 32%, the best showing for a Republican presidential candidate since victorious Vice President George H.W. Bush’s 35% in 1988.

Vice President Kamala Harris earned 66% of the Jewish vote, the lowest percentage for a Democratic presidential candidate since Michael Dukakis’ 64% that same year.

Jewish Americans cast 3%, or 4.7 million, of 155 million votes, with a hefty 1.5 million going for Trump.

In New York State with 28 Electoral Votes (EVs), the president-elect received the most Jewish votes, 320,000, or 45%, of 711,000, and they are 9% of 7.9 million voters.

Identically in Florida with 30 EVs, 238,000 of 540,000 Jewish voters, or 44%, supported former President Trump, and they represent 5% of 10.8 million voters.

In New Jersey with 14 EVs, 86,000 of 252,000 Jewish voters, or 34%, chose Trump, and they are 6% of 4.2 million voters.

My coreligionists’ 1.5 million votes helped him win the popular vote by 2.4 million, with 77.2 million to 74.8 million for the vice president.

Moreover, Trump swept the seven battleground states with the crucial assistance of Jewish votes.

Pennsylvania, the biggest prize with 19 EVs, went for him by just 122,000, with 3,543,000 to 3,421,000 for Harris. Jewish voters, 3% of 7 million, gave Trump 26% of their 210,000, or a significant 55,000.

He won Arizona’s 11 EVs with 1,770,000 votes to 1,583,000 for Harris, or by 187,000. Jewish voters are 136,000 of 3,4 million, or 4%, and he earned 40%, or a powerful 54,000.

In Nevada with 6 EVs, Jewish voters are only 29,000, or 2%, of 1,456,000. But Trump won this state by just 46,000 votes, 751,000 to 705,000, and he received 42% of Jewish votes, or a critical 12,000.

In the four other swing states, Jewish voter percentages for the two candidates are not provided in the exit polls from Fox/AP/NORC.

Nevertheless, in Georgia with 16 EVS, Jewish voters are 104,000 of 5.2 million, or 2%, and Trump’s narrow winning margin is 115,000, with 2,663,000 to 2,548,000 for Harris. If his Jewish vote is reasonably extrapolated between 20% and 40%, or 21,000 to 42,000, they undoubtedly contributed to his victory.

Michigan, with 15 EVs, has a Jewish voter population of 1%, and Trump’s 2,817,000 votes are just a razor-thin 80,000 more than Harris’ 2,737,000. Thus, the 56,000 Jewish voters are impactful for him at the same projected interval of 20% to 40%, or 11,000 to 22,000.

Trump took Wisconsin’s 10 EVs by just 29,000 votes, or 1,697,000 to 1,668,000, the smallest margin of victory among the battleground states. While only 1% of 3.4 million voters are Jewish, or 34,000, any double-digit percentage that he received is very meaningful.

North Carolina, with 16 EVs, was won by Trump by 183,000 votes, with 2,898,000 to 2,715,000 for the vice president. Since 1% of the 5.6 million voters are Jewish, or 56,000, realistic percentages between 20% and 40% yield 11,000 to 22,000 votes.

In stark contrast to mega-states New York and Florida, and to neighboring Arizona and Nevada, the 612,000 Jewish voters in California are 4% of 15.3 million. They gave Trump only 135,000 votes, or a very anomalously low 22%.

Identically, in Maryland with 10 EVs, Jewish voters are 5% of 2.9 million, or 145,000, and they provided the former and incoming president a minuscule 21%, or 30,000.

In conclusion, Donald Trump was resoundingly returned to the White House, winning 31 states and 312 EVs. He also took the popular vote by 2.4 million, with 77.2 million to 74.8 million for Harris.

Of the 4.7 million Jewish-American voters, 1.5 million, or a cogent 32%, voted for him.

They also provided the 45th and incoming 47th president with essential support in his fabulous sweep of the 93 EVs in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Additionally, in the two mega-states of Florida and New York, Jewish voters gave Trump a combined 558,000, or a magnificent 37% of his total.

Many Jewish New Yorkers and Floridians, as well as Donald Trump, have lived in both states for years.

California, the nation’s most populous state with 39 million residents and 54 EVs, gave native-daughter Kamala Harris 9,266,000 votes to Trump’s 6,072,000, or 60% to 40%.

But the 612,000 Jewish Californians swooned for her by a mind-boggling 76% to 22%, which isn’t surprising as many are radical-chic Democratic loyalists. Their 135,000 Trump votes are an anemic 9% of his total.

Fortunately, level-headed Americans in the 49 other states provided Trump with an overwhelming 71.1 million votes to Harris’ 65.5 million, fending off another calamitous four years of the federal government perniciously imitating her dystopian, radical-left California.

Mark Schulte is a retired New York City schoolteacher and mathematician who has written extensively about science and the history of science. Read Mark Schulte's Reports — More Here.

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In a Newsmax article last April, I argued that Donald Trump could exceed the 30% of the Jewish vote he received in 2020, if he stopped admonishing several million Jewish Democrats to get "their heads examined."
jewish voters, donald trump, kamala harris
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 12:47 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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