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Weak, Out of Touch U.S. Policy Led to War in Israel

biden blinken israel

U.S. President Joe Biden, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, addresses the attacks in Israel from the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 7, 2023. Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise large-scale attack against Israel, firing thousands of rockets from Gaza. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images) 

Michael Grimm By Monday, 09 October 2023 09:48 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

After more than two years of feckless and disasterous policies, the administration remains defiant and utterly out of touch with reality.

The latest example resulting is a full scale war in Israel, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the early 1970’s.

As unsuspecting Israeli’s celebrated the Sabath and religious holidays normally causing Jews to rejoice, Hamas terrorists snuck across the border for a ground offensive bolstered by rocket fire from the air and the sea.

The Iranian backed terrorist organization poured across the southern Israeli border in Gaza taking civilians hostage while executing others, literally pulling incent women and children from their homes before slaughtering them in the streets.

Other hostages were taken to Hamas controlled areas through tunnels running under the border, historically used for weapons caches and staging areas for attacks within the Gaza strip.

The White House put out a statement condemning the attacks but failed to recognize their own complicity.

The Biden administration has been soft on Iran and China from his first day in office with the release of $6 billion in Iranian frozen assets being the most obvious link to their culpability in this horrific act of war.

Joe Biden has been desperate to resurrect the dangerous Iran Nuclear Deal that Donald Trump put to death, sending signs of weakness and naivite to the Mullahs calling the shots from Tehran.

Iran doesn’t just fund Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist groups throughout Gaza, they are the largest supporters of terrorism in the world, linked to groups in Iraq, Syria, Bahrain and elswhere throughout the Mideast.

With respect to China, President Biden hasn’t pushed back on their various offenses in any way whatsoever.

Whether floating balloons across U.S. soverign land, stealing our intellectual property or provoking our allies in the South China Sea, capitulation and appeasment have been the only policy positions China has seen from this administration.

However, one could certainly argue that these feeble policies also led to China’s utter disregard for U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil; China is the leading purchaser of Iran’s leading export and backbone of their economy.

The current assault on Israel was well planned and coordinated, involving everything from boots on the ground to gliders from the air, drones, and sea attacks.

In other words, this declaration of war was expensive and well financed.

Iran doesn’t have a diverse, robust economy outside of oil exports, so Joe Biden’s decision to release such an exorbitant amount of money, coupled with his lasissez faire attitude toward China, it's indeed reasonable to conclude that U.S. policy played a vital role in the unfolding terror of the Jewish State.

Michael Grimm is currently a Newsmax correspondent. He is a former U.S. Congressman who represented New York's 13th Congressional District, a retired FBI agent and Marine Corps combat veteran. Read Michael Grimm's reports — More Here.

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The current assault on Israel was well planned and coordinated, involving everything from boots on the ground to gliders from the air, drones, and sea attacks. In other words, this declaration of war was expensive and well financed.
gaza, hamas, hezbollah
Monday, 09 October 2023 09:48 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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