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Left Gaslights Right Over War on Gas

the war on natural gas
Left's war on natural gas and gas stoves  (Yakobchuk/

Deroy Murdock By Friday, 03 February 2023 02:24 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Southern Democrats attacked the U.S Army at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, on April 12, 1861. Having ignited the Civil War, Southerners had the chutzpah to call it the War of Northern Aggression.

Likewise, Democrats unleashed today’s War on Gas. Inspired by their Confederate ancestors, they then blame their victims who complain that the left is stealing their natural gas and gas-powered appliances.

Democrats shot first.

But when everyday Americans fight back, Democrats and their media bodyguards accuse conservatives of letting slip the dogs of culture war.

Tucker Carlson recently compiled a panorama of relevant Democratic-left lies:

•"This is delusional drivel from the harem of the unhinged over at Fox News," State Rep. Malcom Kenyatta, D-Dist. 181, Pa., complained.

•MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan denounced "The imaginary ban on gas stoves they’re all getting mad about over on Fox."

•"You have Ron DeSantis saying, 'I’m going to protect your gas stove,'" said MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on "Morning Joe," "'Gas stove. Gas stove.' It’s so stupid."

•Beneath a graphic that read, "GOP distracts from unpopular agenda with culture wars," "MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin said Republicans refuse "to have gas stoves pried out of their cold, dead hands –– equating it with God and country and what have you."

•Headline in The Washington Post: "GOP thrusts gas stoves, Biden’s green agenda into the culture wars."

Despite this parade of liberal lies, the right is not hallucinating the left’s incoming regulatory fire. Democrats’ unhinged, unprovoked, and unwelcome volleys in the War on Gas are real.

Here are just a few:

July 23, 2019: "Berkeley became first US city to ban natural gas. Here’s what that may mean for the future," read a headline in London’s The Guardian. Susie Cagle wrote: "Natural gas, it seems, has become the new climate crisis frontline."

February 2, 2021: "Seattle bans natural gas in new buildings," KUOW radio reported. "The ban on appliances like gas furnaces and gas water heaters in new construction is part of a revised energy code," John Ryan explained. "The code proposed by Mayor Jenny Durkan passed Seattle City Council 9-0 on Monday."

December 15, 2021: "New York City Banned Gas in New Buildings. Here’s What You Need to Know," The City posted above Samantha Madonado’s story. She explained, "The City Council on Wednesday passed a bill making New York the largest city in the United States to effectively ban the use of gas in new buildings and to turn to electricity for power."

May 27, 2022: "L.A. is banning most gas appliances in new homes," the Los Angeles Times observed. "Get ready for electric stoves."

October 26, 2022: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s meeting minutes featured 15 different references to natural gas. The CPSC approved Commissioner Richard L. Trumka, Jr.’s Amendment 3A: "By March 1, 2023, staff will prepare and submit to the Commission a Request for Information (RFI) to seek public input on hazards associated with gas stoves and proposed solutions to those hazards."

January 11, 2023: "A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves," CNN declared. The White House that day distanced President Biden from CPSC’s gasophobia.

January 13, 2023: "Hochul wants gas stove ban for new homes in 2025," reported WRGB –– CBS’ Albany, New York affiliate –– about the Empire State’s Democrat governor.

February 1, 2023: "Gas Stoves Are Back Under Scrutiny," Bloomberg titled Ari Natter’s dispatch. Following CPSC’s lead, the US Energy Department “sets first-of-their-kind limits on energy consumption for the stoves.”

This relentless onslaught against human freedom and consumer choice is a devotional exercise in the left’s Climatarian faith.

Natural gas chops CO2 emissions in half, versus Democrats’ much-loathed coal.

Never mind! To those who worship Saints Albert Gore and Greta Thunberg, gas is the breath of Satan.

As a daily communicant in the First Church of Song, I describe conservatives’ culpability in the Democrat-Left’s War on Gas by invoking the gospel of Saint Billy Joel, "We Didn’t Start the Fire."

Aaron Cichon contributed research to this opinion piece.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research. Read Deroy Murdock's Reports — More Here.

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As a daily communicant in the First Church of Song, I describe conservatives’ culpability in the Democrat-Left’s War on Gas by invoking the gospel of Saint Billy Joel, "We Didn’t Start the Fire."
gas, stoves
Friday, 03 February 2023 02:24 PM
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