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Hillary Clinton to Release New Memoir This Year

By    |   Tuesday, 25 June 2024 04:39 PM EDT

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will release a new memoir this fall in which she will present "her unvarnished views on politics, democracy, the threats we face, and the future within our reach," according to a press release from publisher Simon & Schuster.

Clinton's "Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty," is described as a "warning to all American voters" that will show "Hillary like you haven't seen her before."

The book is set for publication on September 17, less than two months before the upcoming 2024 presidential election and the release of "Citizen," a memoir by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, about his life after leaving the White House.

Priscilla Painton, Simon & Schuster editor-in-chief, said in a statement that the book, "reads like you're sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal."

She added that Clinton is "candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning."

The book will include details of the former first lady's "deepest friendships, her Methodist faith, and the nearly fifty years she's been married to President Bill Clinton."

Clinton also provides "new personal insights about her old adversary [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, and ... the best ways that worried parents can protect kids from toxic technology."

The book's release will coincide with a promotional tour to Washington, D.C., Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago.

Theodore Bunker

Theodore Bunker, a Newsmax writer, has more than a decade covering news, media, and politics.

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will release a new memoir this fall in which she will present "her unvarnished views on politics, democracy, the threats we face, and the future within our reach," according to a press release.
hillary clinton, book, memoir, simon and schuster
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 04:39 PM
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